Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

Elena's pov

The wolf jumped me before I had time to think. I just reacted. Like Ali had taught me. Jump to the side, get on your feet, prepare for the second attack. I jumped out of the way, but his paw still reached my arm, and I whimpered at I felt the cut sting. Blood dripping down from my arm but I didn't let myself look at it. I could still move my arm, that was all that mattered. 

He jumped at me again this time I jumped away in time. It became a cat and mice hunt. He jumped I dodged. He charged I fled. I felt myself tire, and when he jumped again I knew I was to late. I saw my life flash before my eyes, then all I could see were the moments I'd never have with Jace. I wish I had let him mark me, I wish we could have a family. I wish...

I felt a tears fall from my eye and saw the wolf slam against a tree. Vince! Vince was standing in front of me in wolf form. He saved me! I let my tears fall freely as I felt the relief was through me.

Vince charged at the rogue. It was a match with claws and bites. But Vince was the stronger one. He gripped his teeth around the rogues neck, and snapped his neck. Blood on his snout  dripping from his mouth as Vince stepped in front of me, his head gently leaning towards my wounded hand, not touching it, as he whinnied, as if asking me if I was alright.

I nodded, "I'm okay" I said, my voice not completely my own. I couched once, clearing my throat.

"Thank you"

I followed after Vince as he led me back to the safe house. I opened the door which was a lot more difficult to do with my left hand since it was the right one I had wounded. The girls greeted me with gasps as they saw the state of my arm. Ana took charge right away, asking for water and a cloth. She cleaned my wound and put a bandage over it.

"There all done" She smiled kindly, the smile not reaching her eyes. But they never did. Elena thought she knew why. But she dared not ask. She feared the truth would be like reopening a wound of the past and she did not want to be the one to open it. So instead she thanked her for her kindness. Hannah had been sitting next to her all this time, holding her lift hand as Ana had sown there wound shut. 7 stitches.

Kyle was asleep, Leanna and Daisy had filled him in, told him they where all well and then they had let him sleep, since he would recover much faster with rest. 

Elena sat down next to Hannah and let her eyes close as she dreamed of Jace. She never wanted to experience that fair she felt again, and just the thought of Jace made her feel safe. Safe and loved.

Luke's pov

After I left Alison I felt more on edge I had ever done in my life. I had wanted her by my side. But now I wished I had never thought it. I watched her come around the corner of the house in her beautiful wolf form. She was huge. Her wolf almost equaled my own. Yet all I could think was thoughts of panic.

She shouldn't be here. She needed to stay with the other females! She needed to be safe. I snapped the head of the rogue I was fighting. I needed to get to my mates side! I needed her to be safe! 

I turned into a killing machine. Every rogue who came close ended up dead within seconds, nothing was going to get between me and my mate!


I know it's a short chapter. I just felt like you needed to know what happened to Elena. I added Elenas pov, after I had already written the last chapters so I almost forgot to write the end of her pov. That is why it's so short. Which is also why I added Luke's Pov as well. Sorry, but I hope you enjoyed it anyway. I'll update 2 chapters as a sorry for the wait.

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I'm the Wolf Bitch! (Complete) - Huntress series book 1Where stories live. Discover now