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She wanted him, god, She did so bad. She did everything she could to get his attention, but all she had ever gotten was an innocent look from someone oblivious to her feelings, most of the times he would not even glance her way. Despite his attitude towards her, she had always has this strong determination and hope. She was not willing to let it go, she could not do it even if she tried.

Her father was rich, extremely rich. Everyone knew the ever powerful and mighty Alhaji Mukhtar Zarma. Her father was a successful business tycoons, he had money, he had power. That made her one of the girl that is sought after by powerful men that wanted to benefit from her father's riches and promote their businesses through her, it made her a target for hungry hyenas that only wanted to use her just to get to her father.

She had men that could kill for her attention. Men that could give her the life of royalty, and would worship the ground she walked on. All of her father's power were actually just a bonus, because even without them she was an extremely strong, gorgeous and successful women. She could live and strive on her own. She is what you could describe as independent woman of beauty and dignity.

But all those riches, all those men she could chose from, she chose to see him. Her eyes found none other that those two orbs she had hopelessly fallen in love with, at the very first sight, they found his eyes at first glance. And from then, she was bewitched. She had not for a minute regret her feelings, or her heart's decision to fall for him.

She could remember the first time she saw himm. He literally took the oxygen she breath in with him, leaving her utterly breathless and helplessly trying to catch at least a bit of it. When she saw him, she no butterflies or something of that sorts. No, the thing she felt was much stronger than just little butterflies. It was not just an ordinary feeling, for she had felt a pull more intense than anything she had ever experienced. She was strongly drawn to him, like a magnet but stronger and firmly pulled him, like an unseen force.

And from then, she couldn't afford to stay away. No matter how much she tried, her heart refused to give her that liberty, to grant her that freedom. And truth is, she didn't want it to, either. She craved for his attention, she did all sort of things to divert his gaze to her. He became the only face she wanted to see at the start of her day.

She made advances but she had never made it too obvious for people to notice. She was in control of her emotion and expression around other people. Not even one person figured out what was going on in her mind. Not even her father, who was the most important figure in her life, and the most attentive of all people, who'd smell her distress from meters away. She had still yet to figure out how that had managed to not catch his attention.

She had made a few advances at him and suggestions, but he acted clueless and only address her when there was a pressing need to. Often times he'd act impassive, or he would turn stone cold in her presence. It burn at her heart, but she swallowed her pride and allow him some space. She had never been the time of girl that went after men, but she was desperate. He made her desperate. He made her everything she had turn to; stupid, cheap, crazy, desperate, you name it.

But she wouldn't give up, no matter what happened. Despite the humiliation she felt when he snubbed her, the pain she felt when he ignored her. She could go through all of it a million times again, if at the end she gets what she wanted. He was what she wanted, and she was determined to get him.


Getting married or dating was not on his list at the moment. He was never looking for anything less than a nice conversation here and there, and nothing more, nothing less to that. He had set so many goals in his life, and looking to reach them in the nearest future. Sure, marriage was one of those goals, but he wasn't looking for that to happen. No, not anytime soon.

Besides, he was a man of extremely high standards, and its only fair he looks for a compatible women. He had held so much respect for women, because that was exactly the way he was raised. He wanted a woman of class, a woman he would make a run for his money. A woman he had to woo and chase. Maybe that's one way of keeping your woman after you've finally gotten her. Well, that was his humble belief anyway.

He was brought up in a home, where women had a say in everything. His mom was his father's number one advisor, he never did anything without asking for her opinion first. And he admired what they had after his dad gave him a rundown of how they met, and how much he had to go through before getting her to listen to him. That's probably what induced that belief into his brain, but he didn't mind it one bit.

His mom taught him to respect a woman and treat them the same way I would like his mother and sisters to be treated. He tried his best and held that policy at heart. But he never had the time to pursue women, because he was too focused on building his career first.

He shielded away from any contact with a woman, except for his family. He had a family to take care of, and they came first in everything he did. After his father's demise 2 years back, he was left with the responsibility as the only man of the house. He was lucky and got employed by one of the most successful companies in Nigeria, MK Group Of Companies Nig Ltd. He was over the moon because of his paycheck, it was more than enough to take care of his family and even save some.

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