#10 Preference He comes home drunk

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Riker- It was 2 in the morning and Riker still wasn't home. You started to panic. He would always call you if he was running late. Well he is really running late and there's no text or anything. You left so many messages on his phone but still nothing. When you were about to finally call the police, in walks Riker unsteadily. "Riker! You're not dead! Oh my god, where have you been!" You yell at him. "It's fine.... We just went to go... have some drinks." He slurred. "We'll why didn't you call me! You could of been hurt or dead and I wouldn't know! You know what this is pointless, you are drunk and we will finish this in the morning. Lets just go to bed." You tell him starting to come down. Then Riker drags you upstairs. In bed you try to get him to lay there and fall asleep but he keeps squirming over to you and kissing you. You finally get him to go to bed 10 minutes later. In the morning you wake up to an empty bed. You get really confused because it was 6 in the morning on a Saturday. You walked downstairs to find Riker making breakfast and there was flowers on the counter. When hears you he turns around. He runs over and hug you. "Y/N, I'm so sorry I was home late and didn't call you. Then I was a handful last night when I did get home. Will you forgive me?" He says. You nod and then he kisses you. "I love you Y/N." he tells you. "I love you too." You say.

Ratliff- You and Rydel were having a sleepover at her house. All the guys decided to go out. Stormie and Mark were out of town so it was only you two in the house. When it was about 3 in the morning you two start to panic. The boys didn't leave any message or say where they were. Rydel and you kept calling all their phones but no answers. At about 3:30 the door burst open with all the boys coming in really loud. You and Rydel run downstairs to find Riker, Ratliff, Rocky, Ross and Ryland drunk trying to hold themselves up. "What the hell! It's 3:30 in the morning?! Where were you guys! Why are you drunk!" Rydel yells at them. "We were just... Having fun!" Ross slurred. "Ok well it is way to late to be out! Go upstairs now!" Rydel yells at them. Riker, Rocky, Ross, and Ryland are escorted by Rydel upstairs. Ratliff walks over to you and starts putting his hands all over you. "No, you are not doing this right now. It is way to late and you are way to drunk." You tell him. "I am.. perfectly fine.." he slurs. He wasn't listening so you just walked upstairs an knowing he would follow you where ever you went so you decided to get Rydel to help you. Trying to find her was hard because Ratliff would keep pulling you close to him an grabbing onto your waist. After you finally got him to let go you heard yelling coming from Riker and Rocky's room. You opened the door and way to close behind followed Ratliff. Riker and Ryland was starting to gain sober ness but Rocky and Ross were still way to out of if. So was Ratliff. Rydel sent Ryland to her room and he had to drag Ross there too. Riker and Rocky sat on there bed whil you were talking to Rydel. "What do we do with him, he won't let go of me and he needs to go to bed." You tell her talking about Ratliff like he wasn't there even though he was clinging to your waist like he would never let go. Rydel had Riker try to pry Ratliff off of you. Once Ratliff finally let go you ran out of the room so he wouldn't cling onto you again. After a few minutes of Ratliff screaming your name, like he was terrified of something and wanted his mom to protect him, Rydel finally came out. Rydel walked into Ross and Ryland's room to try to handle Ross while you sat outside of Riker and Rocky's room. You felt so bad because he was really upset but you knew he had to just go to bed. After a half and hour he stops yelling and you hear a thud. You open the door to find Rocky asleep and Riker standing nex to the door starig at a passed out Ratliff in the middle of the room. "What happened!" You whisper yelled to Riker. "He just kind of, passed out!" He whispers back. You cover him with a blanket and then walk back to Rydel's room. You pass out with exhaustion once your head hits your pillow.

Rocky- You were sitting in your apartment watching a movie with Ryland, Riker and Rydel. Ross, Rocky and Ratliff decided to go out. You checked the time on your phone to find it was 3 in the morning. The four of you started to panick because you didn't know where they went and they wouldn't answer there phones. Riker and Ryland decided to go look for them while you an Rydel stayed in the apartment in case they came back. About a hour of worrying in walks in all the boys. Riker has Ross on his back while Ratliff and Rocky stumbled in the doorway followed by Ryland. "What happened!?" You asked confused. "Well we found these 3 roaming the streets with bottles of alcohol. We had them get into the car and Ross passed out so..." Ryland explains to us. Ratliff goes over and clings to Rydel as Rocky does the same to you. (That's right, I put some Rydellington in here and I'm proud to do it even though Ellington is my favorite by just a tiny bit!) Rocky kept kissing you and had his hands were all over you. You kept yelling him to get off you but he wouldn't. Riker put Ross down to sleep on the couch and Ratliff also passed on the couch. You walked to your bed, Rocky following your every move. You have him lay on the bed and you tell him to go to bed. You take a pillow and blanket and go to sleep in Rydel's room. Surprisingly he listens, till about an hour later. You and Rydel are sound asleep when you hear both of your names being called. It's Rocky and Ratliff. You open the door and you two tell them go go back to bed. They refuse so Rydel lets Ratliff fall asleep with he and you do the same with Rocky because you were both way to tired to fight. Well at least he missed you, you think to yourself while you start to doze of in Rocky's arms.

Ross- It was super late at night, or you could say way to early in the morning now. Ross still wasn't home and you were really panicking. You have left so many messages on his phone and he hasn't returned any of them. Finally when you were about to loose hope in burst Ross loudly all drunk and unsteady. He walks over to you and picks you up. He kisses you all messy like and you push him away. "What the heck Ross! Where have you been!?" You yell at him. "Out but I'm back now." He slurs. "Ok well I'm glad to know your ok. Now put me down and let's just go to bed." You tell him. "Or how about we do something else?" He struggles saying, winking at you. "No, absolutely not! We're going to bed now!" You yell at him. He puts you down. Then he slaps you! Your were so shocked! He has never done that to me before! "What the hell Ross!" You yell at him holding back tears to not let him see you cry. "So, now do you want to go to bed with me?" He asks again and winks at me. "Yeah.... No! And how dare you. We are so threw!" You scream at him running out the door. You walk to the Lynch's house since try are only like 5 minutes away from where you and Ross share, excuse me, sharED an apartment. You rang the Lynch's door bell and Riker answers the door. He sees your crying and your cheek is bright red. "Oh my god Y/N! What happened!? What did he do to you? Guys, come downstairs! Here come inside." He brings you inside and Ratliff, Rydel, Rocky and Ryland run downstairs. When they see you they ask the same questions Riker did. You explain everything that had happened. Ryland got you ice for your cheek. Not even an hour later there's a loud bang at the door. You then hear Ross' voice, "Let me in! I need to talk to her! I need to apologize!" The 4 boys walk to the door and open it. Ross walks in with red puffy eyes. "She doesn't want to talk to you!" Ratliff says. "Really dude, why would you hit a girl!" Rocky says. "I didn't mean to! Please, Y/N I'm so sorry!" You hear him yell from the foyer. "We'll it's to late! It doesn't matter if you were drunk or not, you don't see us hitting gels when were drunk do you?!" Riker buts in. You finally get up and walk over to Ross. He looks up at you and he runs and hugs you. "Please, please take me back Y/N! I can't live without you. I live you." You loved him to and honestly couldn't imagine life without him either so you accept it. And since then he has always called you and tells you where's he is going and tells you if he is running late.

Ryland- You sat on the couch with Rydel and the rest of the boys waiting for Ryland to get home. He was really late from coming home from his friends house. He was only 16 and you had no idea what he could be doing at 2 in the morning. Finally his friends knock on the door. Ryland is on one if his friends backs. "What happened!" You yell. "We'll um, we'll we were um, drinking! And he got way to crazy and then passed out." One of his friends fess up. "You guys are 16! Why are you drinking!?" Rocky yells. "It was a stupid mistake ok! We have to go" and then they ran. Ryland was in the couch and he started to flicker his eyes open. When he sees me standing over him he smiles. He then sees his siblings and Ratliff also standing over him and the smile wiped from his face. "Umm, you have some explaining to do." Rydel says. "I honestly, I don't really remember reheat happened. All I know is I am at my friends house for one sec. Singing on top of table with girls...... Another second." He says then realizes what he just said. "Oh really, girls. We're you having fun with these girls?" You ask. "No, I love you baby! I swear. I am sorry." He says to you. " I'm just happy your ok. We will talk about this more tomorrow but I am way to tired. Rydel and I are going to bed." You tell him and give him a kiss on the cheek.

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