Preference #57- Famous Ex

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Riker: Your famous ex was Val Chmerkovskiy from Dancing with the stars

“You know, babe, when I told you I had tickets and backstage passes to theDancing with the Stars premiere I thought you would be a little more excited.” Riker said disappointedly. You quickly shook your head as you continued to look nervously around you. “No, no I’m excited. I really am.” You said distractedly. Professional dancers and different celebrities continued walking past you towards the main stage. You were excited, you really were. There was just one face in the sea of people parading past that you prayed you wouldn’t see… “(Y/n)?” A heavily accented voice called out. You winced and turned around slowly, coming face to face with the bearded Ukranian you hadn’t seen in nearly a year. “Val, hey!” you said awkwardly. He was beaming down at you. His celebrity partner was standing behind him, clutching his hand tightly. You smiled briefly at her before turning your attention back to him. “How are you? It’s been a while.” He said cheerfully. You shrugged. “I’ve been pretty good. I got a job as assistant tour manager for this band.” You said vaguely. “Ahem.” Riker cleared his throat from behind you. You tugged on his hand and pulled him closer to your side. “Val, this is my boyfriend Riker. Riker, this is Val. My old…dance instructor.” You said awkwardly. Val nodded. “(Y/n) was one of my best students. I was bummed when she…left.” He finished slowly. He turned towards his partner and nodded in the direction of the stage. “We better get going, show starts in a few minutes. It was good to see you again.” He called over his shoulder as he made his way towards the red velvet curtains that divided the dance floor from the backstage area. You turned hesitantly around to face Riker. He had one dirty blond eyebrow raised in curiosity. “Dance instructor?” he said disbelievingly. You shrugged innocently. “He was my dance instructor! He just happened to become my boyfriend later on.” You mumbled sheepishly. Riker scoffed. “A little old, isn’t he?” he questioned. You shrugged again. “He’s 28, I’m 20. It’s not that big of a difference.” You said defensively. Riker’s lower lip protruded slightly. “That accent though… Seriously how do I compete with that?” he asked poutily. You rolled your eyes and began tugging him towards the VIP seats that lined the front row. “You’ve made up for it in other ways. Now come on, the shows about to start.”

Ross: Your famous ex was Niall Horan from One Direction

“So, Ross, I hear you have a new lady? Anything you’d like to share with us about her?” The brunette interviewer asked, leaning forward eagerly. Ross smiled sheepishly as a picture of the two of you flashed across the screen. You smiled happily as you watched from offstage. You had met Ross a couple of months before at a Starbucks in L.A. The two of you had hit it off instantly. You hadn’t intended to come out to the public so quickly, but after a few pictures of the both of you on a cozy dinner date had surfaced there was really no choice but to come clean to the fans. “Yeah, we met a few months ago. She’s really great.” He said vaguely, flashing the brunette a mysteriously smile. She leaned forward even further, practically falling off of the tightly packed couch in the process. “Must be pretty big shoes for you to fill though, what with her having such a famous ex and all.” She said matter-of-factly. Ross’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion. “Famous ex?” he questioned. You felt your stomach tighten. You and Ross hadn’t really gotten to the dreaded ‘exes’ conversation yet. The only thing he knew about your ex boyfriend was that the two of you had been together for two years before distance had driven you apart. What he didn’t know was that your ex happened to be none other than One Direction’s Niall Horan. “Yeah… Niall? From One Direction?” The interviewer prompted. A picture of you and Niall kissing backstage after 1D won an award at the previous year’s Brit Awards popped up on the flatscreen. Your cheeks flushed a bright shade of red. You desperately wished the ground would open up and the blue patterned carpet would swallow you whole. “Don’t panic, (y/n).” Stormie said quietly from beside you. You had briefly mentioned your past relationship with Niall to her before. You shook your head. “I should have warned him.” You murmured. “Oh, wow…” Ross said quietly, studying the picture of you and Niall still plastered across the television screen. “Well, (y/n) and I really haven’t had the ex-boyfriend talk yet. But I’m sure it’ll come up now.” He joked.

Rocky: Your famous ex was Michael Clifford frome 5sos

“Guitar, duffle, backpack… (Y/n), do you have all your bags?” Rocky questioned. You nodded as you gestured to the pink and black suitcase you had clutched in your hands. “All present and accounted for.” You joked. Rocky smiled and leaned forward to press a gentle kiss to your forehead. “I’m gonna go help Ell and Ross find their bags. Just hang here with Rydel.” He instructed before heading off across the airport. You had just landed with the band in Sydney, Australia for the last leg of their LOUDER tour. “I can’t wait to hit the beach this afternoon, the water here is just gorgeous. Have you ever been to Australia before?” Rydel questioned eagerly. You shrugged nonchalantly. “Yeah, once.” You mumbled, trying not to think about the last time you’d been down under. Rydel’s cheeks flushed. “Oh, (y/n) I totally forgot. I’m sorry-” She started. You shook your head quickly. “It’s not a big deal, Dell. We ended things on good terms. It’s just… Rocky really doesn’t know about Michael yet. I didn’t think it would come up but now that 5SOS is taking off I’m sure it’ll come to light eventual-” “(Y/n)??” A familiar voice echoed across the airport lobby. You turned your attention towards the intrusion and beamed when you recognized the familiar blonde head that was bounding towards you. “Luke!” you said happily. His grinned widened as he stopped in front of you and wrapped you into a tight bear hug. “It’s been forever! How are you??” he questioned eagerly. You had become good friends with the other members of the band during yours and Michael’s relationship. You actually genuinely missed spending time with the boys, particularly Luke. “I’ve been good, Luke. Just spending time with-” “(Y/n)?” Rocky said hesitantly. He was standing in front of you awkwardly, studying the blonde Aussie you had your arms wrapped around with curiosity. You took a step backwards and gestured to Luke. “Rocky, this is Luke. Luke, this is my boyfriend Rocky.” You said quickly. Rocky nodded as he continued to study Luke. “Yeah, I know. 5 Seconds of Summer.” He said knowingly. He looked back and forth between the two of you. “How do you…?” he started, trailing off. You felt your cheeks flush. “I, uh.. You see..” you stuttered. Luke laughed anxiously as he nodded towards you. “(Y/n) dated my mate Michael.” He quickly stopped himself and turned back to face you sheepishly. “But somehow I get the feeling you didn’t know that. (Y/n), we’ll catch up sometime.” He smiled at you apologetically before making his way back to the other side of the airport. You smiled awkwardly at Rocky as Luke departed. He had one eyebrow cocked in disbelief. “Michael Clifford? THAT’S the ex you’re always talking about?” he asked in astonishment. You giggled nervously. “Surprise?” You tried. Rydel cleared her throat loudly as she took a few steps backwards. “Well, I think I’m going to go anywhere that’s not here right now.” She mumbled as she made her way to where Ellington stood with the others.

dont forget to comment and vote and sorry i didnt do Ryland or Ratliff cuz i couldnt think of one for them 

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Question: What country would you like visit and why?

Answer: Paris because i always wanted to see the Eiffel tower and Pairs is so pretty 

comment your answer 

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