Preference #35- you go to a concert together

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Riker: You go see Riker's favorite band. You wait in the line as people chat around you. His blonde hair is pulled back underneath a snapback and a hood. "I am so excited," he says like a little kid and you laugh and kiss him.

"I'm glad you're so happy. It's going to be great," you say. Finally the lady scans your tickets and you find your seats. You dance embarrassingly together to the fast songs. Then, on the slow songs, Riker stands behind you and holds you close while you both sway and hum along. Sometime he sings the romantic lyrics in your ear and kisses your shoulder.

Rocky: You and Rocky are just giving the man your tickets and he lets you in. "Thank you," you say as he waves you forward.

"Come on babe, we have to hurry. We have like, only ten minutes," he says and he grabs your hand and you run to your section. You watch the opening act with too much energy and excitement. Finally the band you have been waiting for takes the stage and you and Rocky wrap your arms around each other and you jump up and down.

"ROCKY!" you scream and he laughs. They open with their most popular song and you sing along at the top of your lungs. ROcky does some air guitar and you sing into a fake microphone.

Ryland: One of your's and Ryland's favorite band is playing in a park near the Lynch's house. You are walking and when you see them setting up you start blushing and giggling. "Come on, lets get a good seat," says Ryland and he wraps his arm around you. You find a good seat near the front and you spread out a blanket to sit on.

"This is going to be so amazing," you say and he nods. You both sit with you in between his legs. You lean back against his chest and when they start playing you hum along and clap. Most of their songs aren't dance songs so you can relax and listen.

"Romantic," says Ryland in your ear and you reach back and mess with his hair. He lets you and when you put your hands back in your lap he reaches around you and holds them before kissing the back of your head.

Ellington: Ell surprises you with tickets to your favorite singer and you all but jump on him when he shows you the slips of paper. "I can't believe you got them. I tried for weeks to get tickets," you say and you kiss him.

"Well good thing I have two tickets," he says and he smiles at your excitement. The concert is in one week and you spend those days preparing and hanging on Ellington. When the day comes around you both get in his car and head to the stadium.

"I can't believe I am going to see them!" you screech and he pretends to cover his ears. You go through the line and buy matching t-shirts to wear.

Ross: Ross has been telling you about this band that's coming near by and is trying to get you to go with him. You have listened to a few of their songs but weren't all that interested. After enough begging on his part you finally give in and let him drag you to the concert. When you get there you are surprised by the mass amounts of people waiting. When you get in you feel Ross pull you through the crowd and when you reach your seats he pulls you onto his lap and kisses your cheek. "Trust me baby, you are going to have tons of fun," he says and when they get on stage you realize he is right. They are amazing live. You will definitely have to give them a second look with you get home. As you walk out, Ross gives you a smug look and swings you around.

"Told you," he sings and you roll your eyes.

"Hush," you say.

"I loved it and I know you did too," he says and he wraps his arm around your shoulders and kisses your temple.

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