Perference #36- his reaction to you crying

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Riker: You are making lunch for you and Riker. You are slicing up apples and you accidentally cut your finger. It doesn't really hurt, you're just surprised. You drop the knife in the sink and start sobbing. You fumble with the water faucet and eventually manage to get the water running. Riker comes running in and looks at you and then your bloody hand. "Babe! What happened?" he asks and pushes the hair out of this face.

"I cut my hand," you cry and he walks over to you and pulls your hand out from under the water.

"It's just a little one, come on let's get it cleaned and put a band-aid on it," says Riker and you whimper and he leads you to the counter. He pulls a first-aid kit from the top of the fridge and he cleans it for you. He strokes your hair until you calm down.

Rocky: You are watching a scary movie and you get extremely freaked out. You get up but Rocky wraps his arms around you and sits you on his lap. "Babe, come one you're missing the best part," he says and you force yourself to look back at the gore. Finally as you listen to the scream you break down. You try to get up again but Rocky holds you back and nuzzles his face into your neck.

"Rocky, stop," you say and pull his arms off of you and run into the bathroom and curl up by the radiator. Scenes from the movie race in your head and you start crying and you look around the bathroom. You hear someone knock on the door and you scream.

"Aww baby, it's just me. Open the door," he says and you unlock it and open it enough to peek out into the hallway. He gives you a warm smile and pushes the door open some more so he can get in. He wraps his arms around you and kisses your forehead.

"I am never watching scary movies again," you say and he wipes away your tears.

"Okay, never again. Promise," he says and he rocks you two back and forth until your relax.

Ryland: You and your best friend got into a huge fight and you go to your boyfriend's in tears. You walk right in and knock on his bedroom door. "It's open," he says and you push open the door and run before flopping onto his chest.

"I hate her!" you cry and he pushes you up to look at him.

"What's wrong honey?" he asks and he kisses your forehead and hands you a tissue.

"She is starting rumors about me," you say and he frowns.

"Who is?" he asks.

"(y/bff/n)!" you yell and he pulls you to his chest.

"Just ignore her. She is probably just jealous of your hot boyfriend," says Ryland and you push his shoulder and he smiles.

"You're dumb," you say and he winks.

"But you love me. It's okay cutie, she is just being stupid. Everyone will know the rumors aren't true," he says and he hugs your close.

Ellington: You are on a date with Ellington at the park and your mom has called you about five times now. Pretty soon she calls again and you groan and pull your phone from your bag. "Sorry Ell," you say and he shrugs and smiles. You take a few steps away and answer the call.

"Mom, what is it?" you ask.

"I have been trying to get a hold of you for ages," she scolds.

"I'm on a date with Ell," you say and you hear her sigh.

"It's important," she says.

"Well what is it?" you ask.

"Granddad has died. He had a heart attack on his walk this morning," says mom and you gasp.

"What?" you ask and you can feel the tears welling up.

"The doctors called it a few hours ago," says mom. You feel light headed and you lean against a nearby tree.

"I will be home soon," you say and she starts crying.

"Okay sweetie," she says.

"I love you mom," you say.

"Love you too," she says and you hang up. You curl up on the ground and cry. It's a few minutes before your boyfriend finds you.

"There you are," he says and he crouches down next to you.

"My grandpa died," you say in between sobs.

"Oh my gosh," he says and sits down next to you. He puts his arms around your shoulders and whispers words of comfort into your ear. When you stop crying he holds your hand as you two walk back to his car to go to your house.

Ross: You and Ross are lounging around your house. You get up to get a drink but end up stubbing your toe on the coffee table. You fall back onto the couch holding your foot and fighting back the tears. "Aww babe are you okay?" asks Ross and he leans over and looks at your foot.

"No don't touch it!" you yell and he backs away.

"I'll get you some ice. Sit tight," he says and he jogs into the kitchen. He comes back with an ice pack and hands it to you. You set it carefully on you foot and wince.

"Frick," you say and some tears roll down your face.

"Do you want me to kiss it, make it better?" asks Ross and he gives you his best sad face.

"No! I said don't touch it," you say and he laughs.

"I'll just kiss you instead," he says and he wipes away your tears before kissing you all over your face. You can't help but giggle and he props your feet up in his lap for the rest of the evening. He even runs and gets anything you want or need.

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