Chapter 5: Maybe I'd spoken too soon

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Warning: if you do not know how to read or do not understand the concept of ManxMan please do not continue reading past this. This is a romance between two men. If you do not like this I highly suggest you exit this story immediately. If you do then please keep reading. I hope you enjoy :)

Chapter 5: Maybe I'd spoken too soon

"No, this is not the beginning of a new chapter in my life; this is the beginning of a new book! That first book is already closed, ended, and tossed into the seas; this new book is newly opened, has just begun! Look, it is the first page! And it is a beautiful one!"

― C. JoyBell


"I hope you don't assume I am a walking bed." A silky voice said.

I looked up realizing who I've run into. I offered a tired smile. I wish.

"Of course not."

His brow arched and he let his arms hang at his sides.

"I take it your evening was rough?"

I nodded inhaling sharply and scratching my head.

"Yeah work-"

"Fuck." He hissed. "Curr."

His head cocked back his lips parting, a throaty moan escaping.


I shuddered at the memory. Why of all people would he say my name? I shook my head. I don't want to think about this anymore. I looked up catching the slightly curious gray gaze.

"I can't wait to retire." I smiled.

He shook his head muttering "children". I rolled my eyes laughing. We walked towards the the coffee shop our strides matching.

"Your company was more than enjoyable the evening before last."

My cheeks darkened.

"As was yours."

The barista held out of drinks and we took them and started towards the table. I spared a glance at my watch and sighed.

"Unfortunately I can't stay today. I have work and don't need to hear how incompetent I am."

He frowned and fastened his coat.

"Perhaps another time."

I nodded unsure how I was supposed to say goodbye. He let his hand brush my shoulder.

"See you another time."

To say walking into work was difficult was an understatement. I felt like cinder blocks were strapped to my ankles. People were filing in here and there, last nights sleep in the corners of their eyes. I walked over to my desk and began settling in. Everything seems...normal. I set my coat and scarf on the back of my chair and headed into the break room not daring to spare a glance at Mr.Johnsons office.

"Morning Curr."

I turned meeting Angela's steady gaze. Angela has been here a little over five years and is probably the nicest person here to me at least. She is a vicious viper to most but we somehow became friends. Although it's rare for her to pop by this side of the building.

"Good morning Angela."

Her nose crinkled.

"Ew. For the millionth time please call me Angie. Everyone does except you. Hell even Johnson calls me Angie."

I flinched at the mention of his name. Her eyes cast down word guiltily.

"Sorry...I forgot he has some sick goal to make your life hell." She sighed. "I could key his car?"

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