Chapter 21: Begrudgingly

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"I am surprised the boy hasn't developed frost bite from how you've been acting."

I glanced up at Belinda with mild irritation. She slunk towards me and sat on the edge of my desk.

"I even feel pity for the child. He has become fairly dreary since your...attention has faltered."

I sighed massaging the bridge of my nose.

"Do you have a point Belinda? I have too many things to do today."

She leaned towards me her eyes flashing, sharp teeth bearing past strained ruby lips.

"We both know my point Edmund." She hissed.

She sat back and took a deep breath, her features readjusting to her human appearance. She spared me another glance before walking out and closing the door. I rolled my eyes and returned to my work.

Soft raspy breathes filled my ears, flustered flesh trembling beneath my finger tips. I leaned forward my hand caressing a slender hip. My thumb rubbed teasing circles against the flesh, the form beneath beginning to unravel. My lips parted brushing his ear ever so lightly.

A low growl ripped past my lips. Concentrate.

Intoxicated brown orbs stared up at me glazed with lust, lips parted, his chest rising and falling with anticipation. He was practically begging.

I stood up from my chair angrily. I walked over to the bathroom and splashed water over my face. My hands shakily reached for the towel and I patted my face dry. Harsh grey orbs stared back at me. What is wrong with me?

Musical laughter caressed my ears. A small smile tugged at my lips. Warm joy filled brown eyes returned my gaze.

That's when it hit me like a brick wall. Desire.

I blinked. Surprise resonated through me. I turned away from the mirror my eyes flitting along the floor, denial bubbling beneath the surface. I can't can't be. Joseph's face flashed behind my eyes. Warm liquid ran along my fingers and dripped onto the floor.


I begrudgingly walked over to Edmunds office and raised my hand to knock. The door ripped open and I was greeted with an annoyed look. I took a step back my mood immediately souring. I held out the David case expectantly.

"Mr. David and Mr. Baidu will be here within the hour. I need your approval for the meeting room."

He took the case and I turned away. Belinda was approaching down the hallway her eyes trained on me. She offered a small smile that I returned. I walked down the hall towards the meeting room and opened the door. Before each seat was a file and an empty glass. The projector sat at the far end of the table where Edmund would sit. I glanced at my watch. 11:03. The food catering service should arrive soon. I went with the least messiest thing which were sub sandwiches.

Edmund inspected the room carefully and adjusted a couple things. He set his own file down beside the projector and pulled out a usb and tested it on the laptop against the wall. I stifled a yawn and turned towards the window. Things were so much simpler at the old job. Johnson trusted me to set up the meeting room without having to check on me like a school child.


I glanced up and froze. Joseph was leaning against the wall, the sun casting over his face causing his eyes to glisten. He smoothed back his unruly blonde locks, his plump lips drawing into a thin line. His chocolate eyes met mine irritation swirling in them. I broke eye contact and pulled out the usb and pocketed it. I walked past him and back to my office and slammed the door shut.


I stifled another yawn. This meeting is lasting forever.

"Would you mind getting me a glass of water?"

I looked up and was met with twinkling green eyes and a shy smile. I nodded and took the glass from the man and grabbed the pitcher of water and filled it to the brim. I turned and handed it back to him.

"Is there anything else that you need Sir?"

"No. Thank you."

"Mr. Brown perhaps you wouldn't mind adding to the meeting instead of chatting up with my assistant."

The man flushed his eyes falling to the floor. He turned back around and quietly sipped from his glass. I looked up catching cool grey orbs, a silent warning brewing in them. I mentally rolled my eyes and walked back towards the door and waited patiently for this meeting to speed up.

I yawned stretching. A satisfying pop sounded and I sighed contently and forced my eyes open. Green eyes were staring back at me and I nearly jumped out of my skin. I mentally groaned and felt my hand run down my face in frustration. A nervous laugh broke the silence.

"Sorry...I didn't mean to scare you. I just came to apologise."

I looked up finally and crossed my arms uncomfortable.

"Apologise for what?"

"Uh...for possibly getting you in trouble with your boss. I know Edmund is fairly hard on his assistants."

I relaxed slightly.

"I think I'll be fine...but thanks for the apology I guess?" I laughed lightly.

His pink lips pulled back into a charming smile, his eyes crinkling and I felt my own smile widen. He rubbed the back of his neck before looking up, his curly black locks spilling over into his eyes slightly.


I looked away from his gaze and saw Edmund approaching us, his hand landing on the mans shoulder and squeezing slightly. The mans smile falter just slightly.

"Hello Edmund. I was just apologising to your charming assistant. I recall how harsh you can be and I personally like this one better."

"Yes. He is charming." His eyes flickered my way. "You can head to the car Joseph I shouldn't be long."

I held back the urge to jump for joy. Today has been exhausting! A warm hand caught my sleeve sending shivers down my spine.

"Well it was nice to meet you. Hopefully we'll being seeing more of each other Joseph." Vincent winked.

I felt my cheeks flush and nodded quickly and sped walked over to my desk.


His pupils dilated and his cheeks lit up a brilliant shade of pink. I felt my lips tug smugly as the boy practically fled. No wonder Edmund keeps such a close eye of him. He will be fun to play with. Pain shot through my skull an iron grip around my throat nearly cutting my oxygen in half. I forced my eyes open a low growl falling past my lips. Furious silver rimmed eyes glowered down at me, jealously exuding from them.

"Do not touch him."

Fear rolled in my abdomen. I swallowed and reached up digging my nails into his flesh.

"We both know you can't play with what you can not have."


I felt a purr rise in my throat. Blacked out eyes filled the screen, a silver ring lining the iris, pointed teeth poking past that plump curled lip. How delicious. I slumped against the cushioned marble and felt jealously bite into me unforgivingly. A mere human is able to awaken that ravenous little beast. Has it been that long Edmund? Only I should be able to do such a thing. Perhaps I have let you play human far too long.

Woo hoo! Finally another release. Hopefully this was enjoyable and hopefully not too predictable...
Hopefully you liked Vincent because he will be appearing a little more in the near future. What do you think of this jealous side of Edmund? Too aggressive? What exactly is Edmund? Who the hell is the unknown character? I shall have another chapter out soon. Vincent in the sidebar ;)
As always if you have questions, concerns, advice, ect. Leave a comment down below or pm me. Otherwise.

Forever yours,


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