Chp.1- Living Life in Hollywood

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A/N: Hey there! This is my second story but I deleted my first one so I guess this is my only story. I hope you guys enjoy it. If you get confuse let me know. Thank you. Enjoy the first chapter. Ciao!
BEWARE: I wrote this book when I was very young so the grammar and plot is very messy. Read at your own risk!

Chp1- Living Life in Hollywood

My name is Kellie Parker, and I live in Hollywood, California. Right now I'm just driving in my Mini Cooper, with the top down of course. My parents got it for me on my 16th birthday, which was a week ago. Next to me is my best friend Cody Walker, who resembles a Hollister model as the wind blows through his dirty blonde hair. I've been crushing on him for years, but I can't tell him because I was scared that it will ruin our friendship. I can trust Cody with anything, including girl problems. I think I'm slowly turning him into a chick but he denies it.

"Where do you want to go today?" I asked Cody.

"What?" Cody shouted over the strong wind.

"WHERE DO YOU WANNA GO TODAY?" I shouted louder this time.

"OH! I WANT TO GO TO DISNEYLAND!" he shouted back.

"NOOO! Not again, we went there yesterday," I said as I stuck my tongue out at him.

He pouted and put on his puppy dog face. Oh no, I can't be convinced by that look.

"No," I stated.

He grumbles something and turns on the radio.

"Are you ignoring me right now?" I asked.

He didn't say anything.

"Cody?" I asked again.


I turn to face him. "CODY!"

"WHAT?" He yelled back.

"Yoo hoo! Stop going to space, we're on Earth."

In a swift movement, he somehow turned off the car, and grabbed me and pulled me over his shoulders.


"Not until you say I'm sorry and I love you Cody Walker and I'll always be your best friend." He teased.

"No way," I said.

"You sure about that?"

"Put me DOWN!" I screamed.

"I don't want to."

"Please? " I begged with puppy dog eyes even though he couldn't see me.

"Say it. Besides, you know you like that view of my perfect ass." I could tell he's smirking even though I couldn't see his face.

I blushed a shade of crimson and whacked his head. "Get over yourself, Cody Walker."

"Fine, I'll let you go this time," he sighed and put me down.

I was going to say thank you but I noticed the close proximity between our bodies and froze.

We stared at each other for what seem like hours until Cody broke the silence.

"I need to tell you something."

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