Chp 6- Can we say "HOT"?

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A/N: Heeey  I’m sad because no one is reading my story. I love my 88 readers but that isn’t enough. I work really hard for this so please read, comment, vote, fan, etc.

Without further ado, here’s chapter 6:

Chp 6. Can we say “HOT”?

As I walked inside the cafeteria, a hush swept across the room. The room was instantly filled with a deadly silence. Everyone was checking me out, since I was the new girl. Everywhere I looked, students were either gawking in awe, glaring in jealousy, or checking me out.

My eyes scanned around the room and fell on a set of gorgeous blue eyes. I recognized the magnificent site instantly…they were Cody’s. His eyes were filled with regret and guilt as he looked at me. I knew he must be mad at himself for doing this to me, but to be honest, I was ready to forget the past and be friends with him again. After all, we’d been friends for the last 16 years. As he saw forgiveness in my eyes, his shoulders relaxed from its previous stiffness, and he grinned at me. 

Before I knew what was happening, he ran up to me, arms spreading out, and pulled me into a bone-crashing bear-hug. 

“Caaaann’t breaaatheee” I groaned into his chest.

“Oopsy, sorry. I forgot how strong I am.” He quickly apologized and released me.

I could practically feel the glares directed at me as I hugged Cody once more. I guess some things never change; he would always be the ‘Prince Charming’ at school. 

“Still have the looks, huh?” I teased him as I nodded towards the glaring girls.

“Yeah buddy. Wanna meet my new friends?” He asked as he led me to the table he had been sitting at before.

“Hey dudes, this is Kellie Parker. Recognize her? I bet you do. Think she’s hot? Well, too bad, she’s mines. Don’t you dare hurt her, alright?” He stated in an alpha-like voice but there was a hint of playfulness behind his voice.

I hit his arm and properly introduced myself, “Hey, my name is Kellie. Don’t listen to Cody, he’s just an ass. Well, he’s right about the ‘I don’t want you’ part. Sorry, even though all of you are hot.” I smiled sweetly as I took in the beautiful site before me.

There were 5 boys sitting at the table, their arms resting carelessly across the chairs. They all had the perfect Hollister model look going on. Blonde or brunette messy hair, blue-ish green eyes that sparkled whenever the light shone on them, six-packs rippling through their tight v-necks. Damn, can you say hot? 

I looked across the room to see if all the boys here looked the same, or if they were the only ones who looked like this. My gaze swept across the room to see normal looking boys, cute, but not my type. Most of them had very defined muscles, though. 

As I took in the beautiful site of the cafeteria, and the colorful food surrounding it, a hush fell across the room. I glanced over to see what it was about.

I think my jaw fell to the floor at the beautiful site. Three boys stood at the door, capturing the whole lunchroom’s attention. All their eyes were a brown chocolate shade. I felt myself getting lost in a pair of beautiful eyes. Their faces were angular with a strong jaw-line. They were wearing our school uniform, except they didn’t wear the ties, and the top three buttons of their shirts were unbuttoned, giving people a view of their perfect hair-less smooth chest. 

After I was done gawking at their perfectness, I snapped back to reality. Cody must have seen me stare at them, because he was beside me doubling in fits of laughter. 

“What?” I snapped, annoyed.

“Your…….face” he managed to spit out and then fell into another heap of laughter.

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