Chp.11- Regrets

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Chapter 11- Regrets 

The moment I turned around, I had regretted it, hearing his voice brought back too much of the past, and my past wasn't something I wanted to remember. 

There are things in life you regret. You regret meeting people. You regret doing something bad. You regret... the list goes on. But at this moment, I regretted ever meeting Brandon, my ex boyfriend. 

Right now, the quote "Some things are better left forgotten" fits this situation very well right now. Brandon was a person that was better left forgotten, but he seemed to think otherwise. 

"Kells?" he repeated with his smooth velvety voice that I once loved very much, but now that same voice held something frightening behind it. 

"What are you doing here?" I managed to stutter out, unsuccessfully hiding my shock. 

Noticing my shock, he smirked, "Paying my girlfriend a visit."  

"I'm not your girlfriend." I seethed. 

Brandon lifted my chin, "You're still gullible as always. Sweetie, you might want to think again, I don't want you to get hurt." He snarled. 

I felt my world stop as I remembered the kind of things he would do when we were together. The painful flashbacks played through my head like a scary movie.  

I shoved his hard chest away, trying not to run and hide like I wanted to. 

"Try me, big boy." I faked a smirk and winked, acting ready for the challenge even if I wanted to throw up at the sight of his tousled blond hair, dark scary eyes, and strong pale muscular body. 

I left my words at that, turned around and went to lunch. 

I glanced around, noticing Cody's wave immediately. I began to head over there but stopped in my tracks at the sight of Jasmin on Nate's lap. So he lied to me? Jasmin noticed me looking and sneered, her eyes silently saying "He's mines."  

I felt like something was hammering in my heart, threatening to break it because of the pain. Something about Nate made me happy whenever I was around him, but right now, the sight of him and Jasmin made me tempted to puke. 

I hastily walked towards Cody and his handsome friends, relieved that he was still there for me. 

After I caught him and Claire, he had run after me, explaining to me the same thing he had every time I saw him with a girl. He had explained that he needed a distraction and Claire was ready to distract him so he took the opportunity. 

I couldn't do anything but forgive him because he was my best friend and who he dates didn't matter. 

Cody must have noticed the look in my eye, because he immediately grabbed my hand and dragged me outside, where we could have some privacy. 

He pulled me into a tight hug, "I heard about Jasmin, are you okay?" 

"Yeah, it was no big deal. We've been through the jealous girls before, haven't we?" I attempted to smile but the incident with meeting Brandon again was still on my mind. 

"Okay, spill." He said, straight to the point. 

"Brandon is here." I whispered. 

Cody was silent for the next few minutes, probably thinking about the three words that we never thought we would ever hear again. 

"No." he finally whispered. 

He knew the horrible things Brandon had done, and Cody and I thought we would never see Brandon again after he was sent to a boarding school in England, but I guess he had decided to transfer to St. Mary's. 

Scared for each other, we clung on to each other, soaking each other with as much comfort as we could give, because we needed each other to survive if Brandon was here. 

However, we were too busy enjoying each other's comfort to notice Nate's glare down the hall.

We pulled away, heading to Art together since it was the only class Cody and I had together. 

"Welcome class, our only project for this semester is called Emotions. You will be assigned a partner and the both of you will project how you feel about each other in a form of art. Whether it's a song, a movie, a painting, etc." explained the teacher. 

I glanced outside the windows, tuning her out until I heard my name. 

"Jasmin and our new student, Kellie Parker." 

WHAT? Did she say me and JASMIN? Are you kidding me? 

I looked over Jasmin, mortified. 

Jasmin glanced back and said evilly, "I can't wait." 


After the horrifying announcement in Art, I was glad that school was finally over because P.E was cancelled due to the rain, meaning we had a free period.

But before I got to my dorm peacefully, Nate caught me in my way. 

"Hey we need to talk." he said the 4 words. 

"About what?" I said coolly. 

" Look, at lunch-" he began but he was cut off by me. 

"Look, Mr.Player, I don't really care about that, but you shouldn't have lied." I stated, too tired for this. 

"I didn't lie, Jasmin forced herself onto my lap!" he argued. 

That pulled a certain nerve in my body, he didn't lie? Jasmin forced herself? Who is he trying to convince? Me or a 7 year old? 

"Oh, pleeeeasse." I rolled my eyes. 

"Oh yeah? And how are you suppose to explain you and Cody hugging each other like you needed each other to breathe?" 

"Me and Cody are just friends, and we...wait are you jealous?" My voice turned from annoyed to amused. 

"What? Me jealous? Don't let that thought in your cocky head. Cheeky." he denied. 

I laughed, "Fine, but you and Jasmin really aren't dating?"  

"Jasmin? She disgusts me with her fakeness." He grinned. 

I laughed, clutching my stomach, he thought she was fake? "Amen, sir." 

"Umm.." He let out. 

This caught my attention, "What?" 

"Um, there's a bowling party after school, um, do, you, um, want to, go, um, with me?" He asked nervously, scratching his head. 

Should I go with him? Well, I do like him... He made me laugh. 

"You know what? Sure." I smiled at him, and we just stood there smiling at each other like goofs.

A/N: Awww. I hate this chapter :( Bleh.


Picture to the side is Brandon>>>>

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