Chp.9 unexpected visitor

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A/N school is finally OVER!! Get ready for some cute moments in this chapter 

Chp.9- The Unexpected Visitors 

Chris's P.O.V 

The girl that I'd bumped into earlier was Kellie. I studied her beautiful, prominent features as she ate her pasta. I could tell she was uncomfortable but I couldn't blame her. Being around Jasmin made me uncomfortable too. People classified me as the quiet, mysterious, one. But that's not true at all. I had a lot to say but I preferred to say it when I was around people that I actually liked. While I was busy thinking to myself and checking out Kellie, I didn't notice Jasmin's evil gleam. 

I heard a loud shriek and looked up. It came from Kellie, who was soaked from head to toe in Jasmin's red wine. Jasmin stood up and laughed.  

"Go away you little whore." she sneered and strode off. 

What the heck? Even if I didn't know Kellie, she still didn't deserve that. I stood up, prepared to help her. But I guess I was too late because Nate was already by her side and rushing her towards the bathroom. Well, too bad I couldn't be her knight in shining armor, I thought as I was hit in the chest with what felt like jealousy.  

Kellie's P.O.V  

I stood up and went with Nate to the bathroom. I was furious, wait--, I was sad, no, more like disappointed. I couldn't decide as many different emotions ran through my head. Nate kept asking me if I was okay. I didn't get why he was helping me after our little fight at the nurse's office yesterday, but I was extremely grateful. 

Speaking of people helping me, Chris also stood up earlier but Nate was already rushing me to the bathroom. And I might be crazy to think this, but I think I saw jealousy in his eyes when Nate held my hand first... 

Nate's P.O.V 

I kept asking Kellie if she was okay but she looked distant. Like she wasn't really here, only her body was. Speaking of her body, it was still covered in wine and I needed to help her clean it up for she was motionless. I was glad I was here to help her, so I could make up for my rude comment yesterday.  

"Kellie, you should go get clean up." I gentlely nudged her. 

"Why?" she whispered. 

"Why what?" I asked, confused. 

"Why would she do that? Why would you help me? Why do you care? WHY!??"  

She started in a whisper but ended screaming.  

I wanted to tell her the truth, I wanted to tell her that I helped her because she was different from most girls, and that made me interested and drawn to her. But I couldn't because she would never accept me. She hated me. 

"Ignore Jasmin," was all I said before I crushed my lips down on hers. 

But the kiss didn't last long before she pulled away and slapped me. I watched as she retreated and ran away from me. Hurt and furious, I stormed out to my car and drove away. I needed to see the one person who always made me feel better, whether he was dead or alive, or forever stuck in one place. 

Harry's P.O.V  

I am so confused. Can somebody tell me what just happened? One moment everyone was happily eating dinner while Victoria and I chatted, and then the next Kellie was splashed with red wine. But the most surprising thing is that Nate was there to help her. The Nate that I knew was hard and emotionless, but the Nate that helped Kellie was the exact opposite. But I knew something must have gone wrong because Kellie ran past us with tear-filled eyes.  

I looked at Chris with a knowing smile. We both ran after her and into the rain. We found here quickly since our steps were fast and wide-spaced. 

"Come on Kellie, you will get sick if you stay out here in the rain." I said. 

"Leave me alone Harry." she sobbed. 

"I'm sorry okay? I know I shouldn't have taken you here in the first place." I apologized. I rarely apology for anything, so this came out weird. 

"Wow, Harry finally apologized to someone." Chris teased, trying to lighten the mood. 

I guess it worked because Kellie's lip twitched into a smirk. 

"Uh-oh, what are you going to do Kellie Parker?" I asked, pretending to be scared. 

"Nothing yet," she stood up and walked towards my car. "But if you don't take me home I will." 

"Sheesh, got me scared for nothing," I was about to drive her home but then I was reminded about the date with Victoria. "Wait, Kellie, I'm sorry but can Chris take you home instead? I have um, a meeting, um, with someone." 

She looked suspicious but agreed anyway. "Okay...., but you better tell me later. " 

Haha, I knew I wasn't getting away with it, not with Kellie Parker. 

I guess I didn't need to convince Chris because he eagerly ushered Kellie to his car, while she oouu and aahhhh over his Mercedes.  

He saw me looking and grinned. That's strange, Chris doesn't smile, like ever. But I guess Kellie could make him do that.  

Chris's P.O.V 

I smiled at Harry, silently thanking him for this opportunity for me to get to know this girl better. I didn't know why but something about Kellie made me attracted to her.  

I wanted to take her somewhere but I guess that would have to wait because of her current condition. She was covered in red wine and dripping wet from the heavy rain.  

"Where do you want to go?" I asked and turned on the heater for her sake. 

"Back to my dorm, and oh, thank you...for everything." she replied gratefully. 

I didn't understand why she would be thankful when I was the grateful one here. No one had made me happy in a very long time, well until I met Kellie Parker. 

"Do you like it here at St. Mary's?" I asked, wanting to start a conversation.  

"It's okay. I wish I was back home though." She said sadly. 


"I like it better. And back home, no one dared to splash red wine in my face." She replied sarcastically. 

"Sorry about Jasmin. You know what I think?" I asked. 

"What?" She sounded curious.  

"Don't tell anyone this but I think she is a bi*ch" I said mischievously. 

She laughed, and the sound was amazing to my ears. "OMYGOD, I think so too." 

We laughed together until we couldn't breathe and we forgot what we were laughing about.  

Once we reach the school, our stomachs were hurting from laughing too much. I took her to her dorm and she led me inside. The dorm was similar to mine and very tidy.  

"Thank you for everything, Chris." she smiled. 

"My pleasure, my lady." I returned her smile. 

We broke into another round of laughter. I heard a cough and turned around to see who made the sound. 

There stood Jasmin's younger sister, Claire. It took me a while to figure out that Claire was Kellie's roommate. No that couldn't be, Claire must not be her roommate. Because Claire Anders is just as dangerous as her sister Jasmin, maybe even more. 

A/n: it's summer and I have so much to do but I'm not doing anything because I'm lazy lol. I ended the chapter here because it seems right, what do you think? 

Teaser: Claire and Chris's past. How will Kellie react? 

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