Chp.10- Something Forgotten

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A/N: Thank you for all the love! I appreciate it very much. Teehee. Oouu! First to comment on this chapter gets a dedication on the next, are you up for it?

This chapter wasn't editted.

Chapter 10- Something Forgotten

Kellie's P.O.V

I glance between Claire and Chris, sensing the heavy tension in the air.

"Would you care to tell me what's going on right now?" I asked Chris, since I didn't want to talk to Claire after what I saw her and Cody doing...urgh, I can't even say it.

Chris looked uncomfortable and hastily replied, "Nothing, why should anything be going on?"

Suspicious, I turn to Claire even if I didn't want to talk to her and raised my eyebrows.

Claire returned my questioning look with a smirk and she turned around and left.

Well, that was rude.

I turned back to Chris, ready to dig the information out of him but it turns out I didn't have to because he spoke,

"Stay away from Claire, she's bad, she's reaaaal bad." He warned.

Confused, I asked, "Why?"

He hesitated, "I can't tell you that." He simply answered.

"Why can't you? If you're warning me to stay away from someone, you should give me a good enough reason." I said.

"Claire did some really bad things, and you don't want to be her victim." Chris said with a mix of disgust and anger.

Instead of asking another question he would avoid, I opted for a more reasonable question, one that he can answer, "Where you one of her victims?" I asked, curious.

There was a pause. He was silent for a few minutes before he spoke again in a soft tone, "Yes," he said, darkness clouding over his eyes.

Chris got his point across; I really should stay away from Claire. Although I didn't know what she did, I knew it wasn't good.

Surprising myself, I pulled the vulnerable-looking Chris into a comforting hug, and we stay like that, because he needed a person to lean on, and I was willing to be that person. Well, more than willing, I think I wanted to in that position more than anything.

I snapped out of my thoughts as soon as I realize how I sounded...I sounded love sick. Chris pulled away, sensing my uneasiness,

"Are you okay? It's getting late; I should probably go, see you around, Kellie."

"Bye." I whispered, not wanting him to leave me with Claire.

I watch as Chris walked out the red room door, I looked back at the door again, noticing how much the red resembles blood...

What is that loud noise? It's giving me a headache, can someone turn in off?

I rubbed off the sleep from my tired eyes and look over at my alarm clock.

Ah, it's that stupid thing. I hurriedly turned it off as I notice the time: it was 7:00 in the morning!

My first class was in...10 minutes!

"Oh god," I said as I scramble around, getting ready. I notice that Claire had already left; I guess she had decided to stop pretending to be nice.

I hurried change into the St. Mary's uniform, ran a brush through my hair and applied on some makeup. I scramble across the room, grabbing my ballet flats but before I got there, I fell flat on my face.

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