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-When looking at Jun Su sideways, you'll notice he has an S line body figure.

-Jun Su is nicknamed Dolphin and Duck Butt. Dolphin because of his squeaks and Duck Butt because of his butt.

-Jun Su lost his shoe in one of their performances and Yun Ho just looked at it

-Jun Su had a girlfriend back in high school but they broke up quickly after that.

-During Jun Su's trainee days, a couple of months before his debut his adolescence period came causing his voice to change, JunSu became terrified that it wouldn't be back to normal and ever since then he kept a promise to take better care of his voice.

-Jun Su is one of the best singers, as though he claims that his voice changed from the day of his debut.

-Jun Su does not drink carbonated drinks but nutritious drinks only.

-Jun Su has a twin brother named Jun Ho who is also now a singer. You can tell the difference of Jun Su and Jun Ho by their eyebrows.

-Jun Su was given the name Jun Su because according to his father, when he and Jun Ho were born, Jun Ho looked more masculine.

-Junsu eats in a weird way by sticking out his tongue and food will always come out from his mouth.

-Junsu hopes that all members like his jokes.

-Junsu can't resist fried chicken.

-Junsu keeps all his fan letters.

-Junsu was the longest trainee from SM Entertainment.

-Junsu's Bigeast ID is no.3

-Junsu was the first member to join TVXQ. He joined SMe when he's 11 and his contract began on 12 February 2000.

-In Japanese lessons Yoosu always share a book and whenever Junsu bored he draws little hearts with their names in on the pages.

-Junsu thinks Yoochun is very good at playing with balls. He always takes him out to the soccerfield.

-When Jaejoong flirts with Junsu and Yoochun stays cool, Junsu gets quite fidgety and jealous.

-Junsu choose his stage name Xiah because he wanted to be a star in the entire Asia and "Xiah" was short for korean word of Asia.

-Junsu has five cats name Bakira, Tigger, Leo, Leon and Pard. He calls themCat Shinki.

- Junsu plays basketball with Yoochun because Yoochun likes basketball.

-Junsu gets embarrassed whenever he's around his fans.

-Junsu isn't really good at math.

-Junsu likes to bicker with Suju's Eunhyuk.

-Junsu admits that girls' pants fit him better.

-Junsu's favourite season is autumn.

-Junsu can only concentrate on 1 thing at a time.

-Junsu's father owns a pizza store.

-Junsu sees his girlfriend as his future wife.

-Junsu wears loose clothing to sleep.

-Junsu has sensitive teeth so it hurts to have ice cream sometimes.

-In Junsu's spare time, he will read fan letters.

-Junsu displayed his first rap in Love Bye Love and Jaejoong's in Wrong Number.

-Junsu's favorite number is 2.

-Junsu's sleeping habit is using his arms as a pillow.

-One of Junsu's motivations in his singing career is the unachieved dream of his mother, who once dreamed of being a star.

-One of Junsu's dreams in life is to have his writing published into a book.

-Junsu has the sexiest butt among the members.

-His S-Line is well known to all Cassiopeia.

-All members label Junsu innocent and bright boy. But he makes 180 degree change on stage and performs with great charisma.

-Jun Su's ideal girl is someone who will appreciate him.

-Jun Su loves to pop (poppin' dance.)

-Jun Su is known to be the member with the best aegyos (cute acts) in the group.

-Jun Su played soccer for a year as well as baseball for a year too and was a black belt in Taekwondo.

-he loves his twin brother Junho very much

-his best friend in HyukJae ( Eunhyuk from Super Junior )

-he wants to become a singer after seeing H.O.T on the television

-he used to belong to the youngest group S.R.D.- sing, rap,dance together in HyukJae

-he was apologetic to debut first when he missed the chance to debut together with HyukJae and Sungmin

-he is known as Angel Xiah after he posed during a television programme, robbing Max Changmin of the cute image

-he is obsessed with soccer and he now is the Captain of the celebritiy football team FCMEN

-his twitter ID is 0101xiahtic

-his birthday is 15 dec 1986

-he was involved in a scandal with Tae Yeon of SNSD after netizens caught his touching her hand at the Hollywood Bowl and shopping at The Grove

-he loves DBSK very much. He became clearly more somber after the lawsuit.

-he learned japanese and attracted much love from his Japanese Fans with JUNSU TIME and his oyaji gags

-he is nicknamed as Xiahmori because his members (tvxq/jyj) loves to bully him.

-his parents are very close to him, always attending his concerts, even soccer matches.

-his brother JUNO loves him very much. But junsu is mean to him, not looking apologetic when he accidentally stepped onto him in one of the FC-MEN soccer match

-he won the Best New Comer for his debut musical MOZART

-his 2nd muscial act was Tears In Heaven and his 3rd musical act was the re-run of MOZART

-his lastest muscial act that will start to run in 2012 is Elisabeth-whereby he already demonstrated the potential to be the lead TOD in his muscial concert MOZART

-his favourite cat is Tigger

-he is the best singer amongst the idols. no one is even close to the degree of expressiveness besides his fellow member Kim Jae Joong in my opinion

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