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"(Y/n)!" Will shot up in bed, sweat covering his forehead, tears never ending as they slid down his pale cheeks. His eyes adjust to the darkness of his room, before struggling to get out of bed. After tripping when the cloth got tangled with his foot, Will ran into the living, not daring to turn back. Down the hall, he nearly fell again.

He knew only you could calm him down: it's always been you since the beginning of all this. He looked to you as the older sister he never had, who he could run to when Jonathan couldn't. Even if it was by two years.

Once he stopped in the living room, he sees the blanket unoccupied by your body. He looks around, breathing piking up, "(Y/n)!" He turns around, only to take a step back. You're standing behind him, a cup of milk in your hand. You were smiling, "What's wrong, short-stack?"

Will doesn't hesitate to wrap his arms around your middle, and your face drops. "Will? Will, it's okay. I'm here." You move him toward the couch without breaking contact, and slowly sit down. He pulls away just enough for you to grab the thin blanket and cover the both of you with it. Warmth envelops him, his breathing slowing down as he begins to feel safe in your hold.

"Will, you're okay. Look at me," He does as told, his teary eye looking into your own (e/c) ones. "I will protect you, no matter what. Nothing will hurt you again."

He nods, and you smile. His head rests against your chest, listening to your heartbeat. "I love you, (Y/n)."

"I love you very much, William." You both slowly fell asleep, never letting each other go. Joyce woke up the next morning for work to find the two cuddled on the couch, and she couldn't stop herself from smiling.

Noah Schnapp one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now