His First Pride

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Age: 18


They were driving to the pride festival while it was about to start in twenty minutes. Cody was so excited, he could just blow up with happiness. He just gotten a transgender flag and a rainbow flower crown from Christmas and he was going to wear them there. They got there a few minutes earlier so they just walked around to see what was going on. There was a lot of rainbows and things that made the colors look like rainbows. There was also a stage and big speakers everywhere. It was Cody's first time at a pride festival and he was willing to do anything to go to one of these places. As they were walking towards the stage, they saw a drag queen in a purple wig and pink high heels. Cody smiled and waved to them. "Hi, how's your day going?". He asked the drag queen. "I am wonderful honey! How about you?", they said with a girly accent. "Different, rough day at school but now it just got better.", he said smiling. The drag queen smiled and put her hands on her hips. "Well how about this sweetie, when we put on the show, you can come up here and make a speech about your life. How does that sound?" Cody froze, he didn't know what to say. He was just asked to make a speech in front of random people about his life. "Yeah, I would love to do that!" "Ok honey, see you soon!", the drag queen said as they walked away. His aunt and him started to walk away and Cody just started smiling. "Cody, what are you doing to say?", his aunt smiled. He really didn't know what he was going to say. He was just to go with the flow. "Honestly, I really don't know. I guess I'm going to just go however I feel.", he smiled. A few minutes later, the festival started. Tons of people started to come into the festival. Cody put his flower crown on his head and his flag on his shoulders. Some people gave him high fives and hugs. There was just so much love support in the air, he could literally cry. He then heard the speakers come on and him and his aunt when to the stage. For the first five minutes, they watched the drag queens dance and just spread the love around. They even got little kids on the stage and dance with them. The music became a little more quiet and the drag queen that talked to him started talking into a microphone. "Hey everyone! How is everyone doing?", they smiled. Everyone yelled and everyone was just smiling. "So there was a teen that talked to me and they said their day was rough and I want them to come up here and let everyone just give them some love. Please come up here. We won't bite.", they laughed. Cody stood up and started to walk up to the stage. He walked up onto it and everyone was just yelling and saying amazing things. "Hey sweetie! So, how are you now?" Cody smiled and laughed. "It's perfect now." He looked all around, everyone was just in such a great mode. He did even know how that would even be possible. "That's great! Now, do you want to tell us about your day?", they said as they gave him the microphone. "Yeah, I will. Today I got bullied by a big mean bully that bullies me everyday. Today I stopped it by hitting him in the face and making him cry. Now that I think about it, it was a really bad idea. Now that this was my first time coming here, I see all we can do is spread love and happiness. I got kicked out of my house when I came out to my parents when I was fifteen. I'm now living with my aunt and I honestly don't know when I'll see my dad again.", he stopped for a moment. "But I will keep on going. We all will. Even if they have to throw us in the biggest hole in the world, we'll all still get out. For my first time coming, I understand that we can support each other and rise each other up. We all just have to be ourselves and to just help and love each other. My name is Cody, I'm eighteen and this is my story." the crowd clapped and cheered and just was yelling more super nice things to him. He gave the microphone back to the drag queen and smiled. "Thank you so much." They smiled and hugged him. "No, thank you! Your going to do amazing things." Cody smiled and got off the stage and went back to his aunt. "You did absolutely amazing Cody!", his aunt said. "Thank you Aunt Crissy.", he smiled. His face literally started to hurt from smiling too much. After the drag queen show, the festival was down and everyone went up to Cody wanted to get pictures with him, which he was so happy to do that with everyone. He didn't think he would ever be this happy ever again. He couldn't wait for the next one.

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