Telling His Parents

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Age: 15


A few hours later, they were all sitting at their median sized kitchen table. That night, they were having homemade chicken. Cody kept looking at his food, not eating it. His noticed this and frowed. "Come on, kid. Eat something.", he said with his scratchy voice. His mom said the same thing. "Sweety, please eat.", she said. He just kept looking at his food but looked at his parents. "I have to tell you something, mom and dad." His stopped eating and smiled. "You can tell us anything Chloe." Cody hated that name. That name made him cringe. He just shook it off and focused on what he was about to say. His hands were getting clammy. "So, I heard there is a conventions for transgender people and part of the LGBTQ plus groups.", he said quietly as he was trying to start a conversation about the topic. "What? Thoses trannys? Ha! That's hilarious!", his dad laughed. Cody wasn't going to think of the mean comment about the convention but he had to get back on track. "Well i think it would be nice to go.", Cody said frowning and a bit annoyed. His dad stopped laughing and looked at Cody confused. "Are you...", his dad said, not continuing his sentence. Cody took a deep breath and looked down. "Mom and dad," he said slowly. "I'm transgender." His mom looked at him with her eyes wide. She was about to say something but his dad stopped him. "What did you say?", he said about to get off of his chair. Cody looked right into his dad's eyes. "I'm transgender. I've been transgender for years now. I didn't know how to tell you but now I have to courage to tell you.", he gulped. His dad was already out of his chair. His dad pointed at the door and looked right back at his child. "Get out. Now.", his dad's voice sounding as if it didn't have any emotion. Cody could feel his heart break into a million pieces. "Dad...", Cody lightly said. "Get out! I didn't raise a boy. I raised a girl!", his dad yelled. His mom just sat there, still trying to process what was going on. Cody started to feel the stinging feeling in his eyes as he was going to crying in any moment. "Go to your aunts house, let her deal with you.", his dad said while walking to his blue recliner and sitting down. For some reason, cody started to feel this anger grow in his boy as if something was boiling in his body. Cody jumped from his chair. "Fine! I will go. It's probably better there anyway.", he said as he ran into his room to get a few things. His room was a dark orange color and it didn't have a lot of stuff in there. He grabbed a blue big bag and just grabbed random clothes from his closet. He was about the run out of his room but his mom surprised him by stopped him. "I'm sorry sweetie. I wish he didn't act like that. Just know I support and I love you anyway you are." Cody's frown turned into a light smile. He wished that they would support him and it didn't work out with his dad but he was happy that his mom did. "Come on! Get out of my house!", his dad yelled from the living room. His mom sighed and shook her head. "He's just having a long day. Just got stay with Aunt Crissy, ok?", his mom said. Cody knew she was going to say that. Aunt Crissy has always been there for Cody. She was actually was the first person he came out to. Cody hugged his mom and frowned at the ground. "I love you." His mom hugged him back and smiled lightly. "I love you too sweetie." Cody let her go and went down the stairs. Cody walked across his father and got to the door. He put on his black converse shoes and a light black jacket over his dark red short sleeve shirt. He put the bag over his shoulders and looked at his dad who was still staring at the tv. "See ya.", he said sarcastically. "Whatever, just leave." Cody looked down and opened the door. He walked outside and to the driveway. He pulled out his phone and clicked the icon at the bottom of the screen that had a little green phone on it. He swiped through his contacts and found his aunt's number. He clicked the number and put the phone next to his ear. The phone ringed and ringed for what felt like forever and she finally answered. "Hey Cody! What's up?", she said lightly. She always had a soft voice like his mom. "Hey Aunt Crissy, I came out to my parents and they kicked me out. Do you think there's any case I could stay with you for awhile?", he said worried. He didn't want to be any trouble to her. "Oh honey, I'm so sorry. Yes, of course you can stay.", she said. "I'll come right now." "Ok, thank you.", Cody said as he hung up on her. She only lived a few minutes away so he waited outside. After about ten minutes of waiting, his aunt came in her black Toyota and he got in the back of the car. "Is everything ok? What happened?", she asked him worriedly. "It's fine, it's just," he paused for a second. "I wanted them to understand and to accept me but I don't understand why my dad doesn't. I don't think I did anything wrong.", he sighed. His aunt frowned and looked at him through her mirror. "It'll be ok, I promise. When we get to my house, get some rest. You can take a day off from school." Cody let out a little tiny smile. "Thank you Aunt Crissy." Another ten minutes went by and they finally got to her small house. It was a small brown house and it had about two rooms in the house. They got out of the car and went inside the house. He looked at his aunt and frowned. "I'm going to go to the guest bathroom and get some rest. I'll see you in the morning Aunt Crissy.", he said as he was about to walk into the room. "Ok honey, goodnight.", she said lightly. He didn't bother to answer back. He walked into the room and put his blue bag on the ground. It was a small white room at was literally just white everywhere. He didn't even bother to change his clothes and just got into the white bed. He got under the cold sheets and looked at the ceiling. He just tried to clear everything in his head and tried to go to sleep. About thirty minutes later, he finally went to sleep.

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