2. Apology

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“Where did you come from?”

I look up at my father, Sidney, who sat on the couch watching football while my mom was reading the Bible.

“Pohnpei camp with Jor.” I answer tiredly, crashing on the couch beside dad.

“Hey, Brooke. Can I borrow your laptop? I need to see something.” June, my little brother, asked kindly but only because mommy and daddy are close by.

I roll my eyes. “Uh, that's why you have a phone duh.”

June frowns. “But its faster on your laptop.” He whines.

“Not my fault.” I shrug and it annoys him. “What are you even going to look at? You got a girl?”

“HAHA, very funny.” He says sarcastically as I get up to head to my room. He follows me and I groan.

While other girls think having many brothers is cool, I don't. They're very… ugh…annoying.

Plus, being the only daughter- I have a lot of chores. Having to wash their clothes and dishes because apparently some people can't clean after themselves.

“Please Brooke!” June begs.

Dad says,“June stop being a beggar. I bought your phone because you prefer it over laptop. Leave your sister alone.”

June glares at me. I smile at him teasingly before shutting my bedroom door in his face.

Good riddance!


The moon's up and I couldn't get myself to get to sleep. I groan and pull my laptop over. I turn it on and go on Facebook.

Nothing interesting …


Eyebrows scrunched up in confusion. Before clicking my inbox, I check the time.

I guess I'm not the only one having a hard time trying to sleep.

Its 11:20 at night.

Who could be on at this moment other than me?

I click my inbox and its a message from-

“Matthias Alcazar?” I whisper, accepting the message from a stranger.

Dumb move, Brooke.

Hey beautiful.

Listen, I'm sorry.

For bothering you.

Bothering me? Who's he? This isn't some lyric message joke right?

I know you hate me.

I saw it in your eyes earlier today at PC.

Realization hits me like lightning. Right, yup. Its the guy I wanted to kill with a fork.

A fork, Brooke? Seriously? Of all
The weapons?! A fork?

I'm officially dumb.

My fingers type quickly on my keyboard.

Jerk face! 😈

Ah, I think I deserve that name.

What's your problem with us together anyway? 😕

I just enjoy teasing. I'm Matt, the hottest bad boy you'll ever meet. 😎

Well, I don't want trouble so good night. 🙍

I'm kidding! 😱

I was not sure if I should get off or not. Its also fun talking to him.

but u forgive me right?




You are so complicated.


I d k . you just different girl.

I'll take that as a compliment. 😑

There's this thing indicating that Matt is typing back. I saw the light turn on outside my bedroom door and immediately close my laptop and pretend to go to bed.

Mom and dad are strict about using our electronics at night.

I hear my bedroom door creak open a bit. I held my breath.

Just 5 seconds then my mom or dad leaves.






I inhale. What's taking them so damn long? I hear footsteps coming into my room then the door closing.

There was silence…


“Where does she put her laptop?” I hear a whisper.

I hear light steps coming in my direction where I was laying on my side with my arm over my laptop like its my baby.

I feel my laptop move from under my protection.

Before it could go, I grab it.

“Really, June?” I open my eyes, making him let go in fright.

“I'm sleepwalking.” June says.

“If you are, you wouldn't know you are actually sleepwalking till you wake up.” I say, feeling sleepy already.

This moron ruined my conversation with Matthias.

“Matt?” June asked.

“You're still here?"

“Well, where am I supposed to be?”

I smack him in the head and he rubs the part. “Ow.”

“Your room. Get out and if you touch my baby I'll kill you.” I warn him and he just muttered a curse word before leaving me alone to finally sleep.

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