3. Matthias

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“What are you doing here?" I ask Jordan the moment he came into my house, looking swagger.

"Let's go to Pohnpei camp then after let's go to Angie's for lunch. I need to meet Jessica." He explained.

I groan. "I'm tired today."

"Come on. Hurry up, I'll wait for you in the car." He waves then exits.

I stomp my feet, so annoyed. When can I dump his red fat ass? I don't think I can endure more days with him if he'll just boss me around.


Jordan had gone into a room while I wait for him impatiently outside. I squint, today's bright.

“Now what is a beautiful girl like you doing out here? Its sunny. All the girls here went into the cafeteria where there's AC.” I look my left to see a smirking Matthias leaning against the wall.

“I'm waiting for my boyfriend.” I answer, standing up to face him.

He pushes off the wall and comes closer. "Boyfriend as in...Skillon?”

"Good you know." I say.

"That jerk. Where is he?" He questioned.

I flip my hair over my shoulder, saying,"Why? So you can bully him? Nuh-uh."

He smirks."Afraid I'll ruin his perfect face?"

What is it with him smirking all the time?

"No, just afraid I might ruin your ugly ass face if you lay a finger on him." I say sassily and he chuckles.

"Totally not how I thought you would be. Well, come on. Let's go into the cafeteria where its not hot." He suggested.

I quirk a brow.

"I won't do anything, just come on." He urges and walks past me.

I follow him reluctantly and we went into the door Jordan disappeared into. So this is the cafeteria... Huh.

How dare Jordan leave me outside in that hot weather?

While I was dying out there, he is in the air conditioned room with-

"Here have some pancakes.” A girl offered, setting a plate of pancakes in front of Jordan who has yet to notice me.

"Hey, Matt. Is that your girlfriend? She looks pretty.” Another student said kindly when she saw us. My cheeks reddened at her words, but I quickly frowned when Jordan turned to see Matt and his supposed girlfriend. Me? Hah.

At least she called me pretty.

Jordan looks at me with guilt as I glare at him. He looked uncomfortable.

"Get away from my girlfriend, Matthias!" Jordan told Theo who looks at him with a bored expression.

I just roll my eyes at him, turning around. I walk out of there and started my journey home.

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