6. Matthias & My Marlin Brothers

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Okay, my islanders! Thee Islander is back with another lame unedited chapter that you've been waiting for. Sorry for the late update. I've been very busy trying to pass 1st & 2nd semester of Nursing. It is not easy especially since I have to adjust to the people, learn the language and such. But I survived and now I got time to write. Hopefully I complete all my books before I go back to school. Anyways, here I present....CHAPTER 6!

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[Fast forward 2 weeks later]

ROLLING out of bed, I ended up hitting my head hard on the floor. With eyes still closed, I reach out to feel the furry carpet that should be here. I open my eyes to see it's not here and I sit up furiously.

Where could it be if not in its rightful place?

I stare at the floor, head throbbing from the impact. Then suddenly someone comes to mind.

"JUNE!!!!" I yell that Monday morning as I practically ran out of my room.


"Why is it always me you attack first?" June complains, rubbing his bum in the corner of the living room as I glare at him.

"Because you always touch my stuff, duh." I flip my hair, going to sit down on the sofa. I had kicked him in the butt at least 5x.

"But I didnt touch it this time- I swear Brooke!" He raises his hand.

"Hey! No swearing in the house son." Father scolds June as he walks pass us to the restroom.

"Ugh, why am I always bullied in this household?" June complains again.

"Because you're the youngest," I giggle.

"Okay, enough Brooke. Your fluffy carpet is in the laundry room." Father said when he came back. I slowly look at him,"What?"

June stood up whilst rubbing his butt. He points at me and starts laughing.

"Wait what?" I ask again.

"Now it's my turn to kick you in the ass!" June comes at me but one push on the shoulder sends him falling down on his butt again. He winces in pain as I ponder how my carpet ended up in the washing room.

"How did my carpet get there?" I asked.

"You want me to say it out loud?" He asked me.

"If it's bad, then no." I raise my leg to kick him and he puts his hands out in defense.

"You came home last night...drunk," June starts and I arch a brow at his words. "Matthias was helping you get in bed then you ended up puking all over the carpet. So after getting you in bed, he brought the carpet to clean it up because hell no am I going to do that."

"Oh..." I say after awhile.

He looks at me incredulously, "I get kicked in the butt more than twice and all I get is Oh?"

"Shit! I was drunk? Yo, I forgot everything from last night's party. Zayum.... Man, I would be so busted if mom and dad caught me in that state. " I murmur, head throbbing as I try to remember more from last night.

"You're lucky I love you or else I'd tattletale on you." June groans, getting up. I roll my eyes and help him.

"Thank you bro, sorry for being an ass. Your my cutie little baby brother. " I coo, pinching his cheek and he groans, slapping my hand away. "Ew."

My jaw drops. "Your ew! Ew."


"Go Matthias!" I cheer for my boyfriend as he played against the opposing team in basketball.

"Girl, look at the handsome SDA guy." Remi my friend whispered, eyes looking down on the court.

"There's tons of SDA boys. Be more specific. " I say.

"That guy. Number 14."

"Ew, Matt is hotter duh." I say and she looks at me in disbelief. Hehe.


"Hey babe," Matt smiles as I give him a water bottle.

"That was a good performance," I tell him.

"Ima just go and change and be back." He smiles before heading into the locker room.

I smile, waiting for him. He is so much better than Jordan. Speaking of him, I haven't seen him since the cafe episode which is a good thing. I don't want another encounter.


I turn around to see my classmates- Quran and Tyler standing there.

Oh shit.

"Hey guys," I smile nervously.

My school's basketball team isn't on good terms with Matt's team. God, I was dreading this moment.

"What are you doing here? Who are you with?" Quran questioned, stealing my water bottle from me.

"To watch the basketball game duhh," I make a face at them like they're stupid or something.

"You? You don't even watch our games but you're here?" Tyler asked, not believing me.

Before i could answer, someone calls my name from behind me. Tyler and Quran suddenly look serious. I turn around to see it was Matthias walking up to us. He puts his arm over my shoulder and they have a stare down. 

"The heck? You're dating him?" Quran breaks the tension.

"Why? What's wrong?" I ask them, glancing at Matt real quick.

"He doesn't deserve you, Brooke. He's trouble." Tyler utters firmly before grabbing my arm pulling me away with him.

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