Chapter 1

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"Master Yumai?" She whispered softly over the ice cold corpse "Wake up."

It was all over. The war around her was finally over. But why was she left alone? Why out of all the villagers did only she survive?

"Master Yumai it's time to wake up," she said a bit louder now shaking the corpse.


A low rumbled shook the crying flower awake. Her weak body barely shook from the clash. All she wanted was to stay where she was.

It's safe here, you no longer have to worry.

These words always went through her mind. That is why she never left. But now she has to. With the world blood stained around her, she had to leave.

"Lady Misemono," a small voice whispered outside of the door "Have you awaken?"

Misemono shifted slightly under her covers, hoping for the intruder to leave. No one was allowed within these walls. Unless they had been cleansed by the local high priest. But, that was impossible now.

"Lady Misemono, your escorts are here," the voice declared "They are waiting for you."

Because of what happened, this place is no longer her sanctuary. So she now had to leave. A place that was not pure was not suitable for her. Nor her gift.

"Lady Misemono, your helpers are ready to assist you," the voice whispered before four woman dressed in all white entered.

The girls wore sheer white veils and dared not to look at Misemono. They were the last of the help that were purified. But Misemono was still hesitant. The impurities that laid upon their gloved hands could forever stain her skin. But it had to be done.

Misemono slowly stood, allowing her silky blankets fall down her body. Her white night gown reached all the way to the floor, which use to be cleaned with holy water every day.

With small, elegant moves all but one girl began to undress Misemono. Her frail skin was so pail, that it almost seemed transparent. The cold air caused her veins to pop up from under her skin.

The one helper who stepped away from the girls warmed the last of the holy water, preparing it for Misemono. Carefully, she placed white petals and slices of lemons into the bath. Once there was a slight steam hovering over the water, the girls helped Misemono into the bath.


"Can you explain why we have to be wearing these cloaks again?" Naruto grumbled holding up a pure white cloak.

A small woman who seemed to be older than time smiled at him, "Lady Misemono shall not be stained by anything impure. So you shall wear the cloak in her presence. Once she is in her carriage you can take them off."

"I see no problem with them," Sakura mumbled as.

A few months before this the Grand Masters of the recently attacked village had contacted the Hidden Leaf. Begging them to hold Misemono until the Tsukimi that will happen three years from now. After two months of negotiating, the villages had come to an agreement.

Four of the Leaf's ninjas would come to the village, escort Misemono back to the Hidden Leaf, and keep her safe until the time had come. Team 7 was chosen because Hatake, Kakashi was seen walking down the streets by one of the Grand Master's helpers while she was scouting out the area. She believed the way he hid his face from the world was a perfect sign of purity, plus she wanted to see him again.

After several hours of Team 7 being served tea and sushi, the old woman looked up towards the empty staircase.

"Stand," was the only word she spoke

The team did as they were told. A few moments later a woman dressed in all white and a bit of red began to descend the staircase. Four girls dressed in all white followed her quietly. Out of all five girls, none of them showed their face. Each of them wore a white veil. It was as if they were shielding themselves from all the impurities around them.

The old woman walked towards the base of the stairs once the girls stopped in the middle, "This is Lady Misemono. She is not to view you unless you are wearing your cloaks. She is not allowed to walk on the bare Earth."

"Then how is she supposed to get out of this," Naruto looked around at the crumbling walls and blood soaked carpets "dump."

"Naruto," Sakura growled nudging him.

The old woman glared at the trouble some boy, " She can be carried short distances. But you must be gloved and cloaked. Is your priest already at her new location?"

"He arrived a few weeks ago. He has been blessing everything upon the list you have given us," Kakashi informed.

The woman nodded, "Then you all may start traveling."

With this the quintet of girls finished their descent down the stairs. Once they reached the floor, Misemono's helpers surrounded her as the glided across the floor. Warning her of spots that had been tainted.

It took only a moment for the girls to settle into the carriage. Instead of being pure white, it seemed to be made out of silver. The curtains were of course white and so was the inside but, the outside was a bit surprising.

Team 7 quickly said their goodbyes. To Naruto's surprise, the horses were as black as night. Just because of that small change, something already felt off.

An old, happy looking man carefully took the reins that connected to the horses, "Are you sure you kids can keep up?"

"You better believe that we can," Sasuke snickered.

"Good," the old man laughed.

With a flick of his wrist the carriage was already charging off at top speed. Six other carriages that seemed to be identical formed around it.

"A shadow clone justu?" Sakura whispered under her breath.

"He may be old," the old woman smiled "but my husband is one of the strongest sages I know."

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