Chapter 6

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Every one quickly turned to look in the temple. The flames of the fire barely lit up the temple enough for them to see Kakusareta. He stood there, smiling a wicked grin at the group.

Looking him over, bits of his skin were infested with frostbite. His hair was damp and his eyes held a crazy rage in them. But within his arms he held Misemomo.

There she was, on her knees with this evil being holding her hands behind her. She couldn't move, her breathing was abnormal. It felt as if there was a fire within her lungs. And her skin burned where he held her.

It was as if his tainted skin was slowly dissolving her own. His fingers just barely touched her skin, yet there was so much pain shooting through her body. Misemono went to scream but no sound came out. No one could see the pain that showed on her face underneath her veil.

The group that sat around the fire stood up quickly. They didn't hear him enter the temple. They didn't feel his power as he pushed his way pass them. It was as if Kakusareta just appeared out of the shadows. The group has seen him appear from shadows once but they suspected it as an illusion technique.

"You are pathetic," Kakusareta spat as he walked towards the group, dragging Misemono behind him "Instead of running off to your village, you decided to stay out in the open. Didn't even try to hide your location."

Once again, the group found themselves unable to move. Paralysis held each of them exactly where they stood. Kakusareta was using the same techniques from before, but the girls couldn't move now. It was as if that when Kakusareta caught you off guard, you would become paralyzed.

Kakusareta kept dragging Misemono behind him, forcing her to walk upon the tainted ground. Her steps were small and frantic. It was almost as if she didn't have control over her own movements.

As Kakusareta walked behind the group, there bodies began to turn. None of them had control over their movements. Only Kakusareta had control over himself, along with everyone else.

"Since none of you can stop me, I might as well let you know a little secret. My specialty is manipulation. Whether its shadows, bodies, nerves, ECT. I can control it. Now I can't do it all of the time," he laughed "That's why it took me so long to get here. After melting the ice off of my body I had to rest."

The tallest girl let out a small whimper. Her eyes looked at the white veil upon Misemono's head. Pleading within her mind for Misemono to take control of the situation. But she knew that Misemono couldn't reach her scrolls.

The wind began to pick up, forcing the clouds to fly across the sky. Kakusareta looked up into the night sky and took a deep breath of air before letting out another laugh. It was all games to him, and he was winning this game.

"Why do you fight like this?" Naruto yelled "Are you scared that we will win if you don't paralyze us?"

Kakusareta glared at the obnoxious boy, "You think you have a chance against me?"

"Even Sakura can take you in a one on one," Naruto laughed "And that's just sad."

Kakusareta swung Misemono to the ground and charged at Naruto. Grabbing the preteen by the collar he hosted him off of the ground.

"Do you not remember the @$$ beat I gave you earlier?" Kakusareta screamed in Naruto's face "Or did I beat that memory out of you?"

As Kakusareta yelled at Naruto Misemono scrambled in her robes taking out scroll after scroll. By the time she had found the one she wanted there were about 15 scrolls that laid in front of her. Kakashi watched as she opened up the scroll and laying it on the ground.

"I was just playing along," Naruto growled "I didn't want to hurt your feelings."

Misemono laid four more open scrolls on top off the scroll she was looking for. Then she slammed her hand upon them. The moment her ungloved hand touched the scrolls, the booming sound of thunder shook the Earth. Kakusareta dropped Naruto once the Earth began to shake.

He turned quickly towards to Misemono and began tob charge her. As he turned away the group was slowly able to regain movement of their bodies. But before they could completely move Kakusareta had gotten to Misemono.

Not being able to see him she focused on rolling back up her scrolls. But then a force stronger than any force she had felt before threw her up into the air. When she felt weightless another blow struck down upon her body. Slamming back into the ground, the air escaped Misemono's body. And her veil had left her face.

There she was, laying upon the ground. Her cheeks stained with thousands of tears. Her lips trembling. Misemono's eyes were completely empty. The were a pale blue, with no pupil. Just a pale blue dot sat in the middle of her eyes. Coughing a bit of blood escaped her lips.

The three girls quickly moved in front of the group before the Leaf village ninjas could run to her aid. The held up there arms refusing to let them pass. Saying that if they do they may die. Or even that Misemono can take care of herself.

Kakusareta leaned down and grabbed a fistful of Misemono's hair. Pulling her face close to his he spat on her. Wincing she tried to move away fro Kakusareta, but the pain that was coursing through her body was almost unreal.

"You dare try to disobey me," he screamed in her face, shaking her head "You dare try to over power me."

Throwing her down Kakusareta stomped into her rib cage, "I will teach you to obey me."

Letting out a soft cry Misemono let a few tears fall. Kakusareta smiled in pleasure as he watched her cry. Looking over her he smiled at his prize. A beautiful glass doll who could control the world, 'She'll make the perfect bride.' he thought to himself.

As he was looking her over, Misemono has hid the fact that she had slice her palm open. Rubbing her fingers on her palm she allowed her blood to soak it. Letting out a small laugh she slammed her bloody palm onto he ground.

"The last step," the smallest twin whispered as another growl of thunder began.

"What did she do?" Sakura whispered to her.

"Total resurrection," the twin whispered.

A/N: I warned you guys that I was a procrastinator right? I hope so. Long story short, life got flipped upside down, I deleted Wattpad and I just now re-downloaded it. Don't worry I am writing the next chapter right now because I don't want to end on a cliffhanger for a whole year again.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2019 ⏰

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