Chapter 2

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So far the run was quite. There was on slowing down for Team 7. Every time a member would stop a cloud of dust would devoure them. Once their concern for the coffin made of dust subsided, they would realize how far away the carriages where and have to run after them.

Because of this Naruto staid a bit grumpier than normal. Normally it was a three day run to the Hidden Leaf Village, but at this rate they should arrive by morning. If he wasn't to pass out due to lack of energy first.

The team couldn't even rest upon the carriages. The senile man would yell to them to get off because they were too impure. Of course Kakashi Sensei attempted to suggest to the man to allow them to stop, but he only replied that if they stopped they would all die.

It had been a few moments since that but Kakashi Sensei couldn't get what the old man said out of his head, "Excuse me."

The senile man looked at Kakashi out of the corner of his eye and huffed "What is it now?"

"You said we would be killed if we stopped. Is that you threatening us or are we in greater danger than we were originally told?"

The rest of the team seemed to instantly join in on the conversation once this question was made. It had gone through everyone's head but, they didn't believe that it would be too important to ask. Plus talking while so low on energy wasn't the best idea.

The man laughed "Sonnie, I should of died about three hours ago. I can't even lift a pinky with becoming winded. The only way I still have these carriages going, is because Lady Misemono is allowing me to use hers."

"So she has enemies that would like her dead," Kakashi hastily concluded.

The man laughed once again and smiled, "She has no enemies. We like to call them admirers. Men, or women, who wish to capture her for her tremendous power. Many have tried to court her but she turned them down without even a word passing through her silent lips."

Kakashi glared at the man, "And who might be her admirers?"

The old man shrugged and pointed towards the shadows, "That man is for certain. But you didn't know he was there did you?"

The team looked towards the indicated direction to see a constant moving shadow following them. It was much darker than the others shadows cast upon the world, and it didn't belong to anyone.

They almost wanted to doubt the man of any existence of another. But then they witnessed something almost breathtaking. The shadow begin to take on a 3D form.

As it begin to morph the old man looked at the team, "Kakusareta is too strong for you to fight alone. So she is willing to lend each of you her power."

"We don't need her power," Naruto spat "We can handle this."

"But you can't Sonnie," the man stopped the carriages and one by one they disappeared "Just keep her safe."

With the whisper of the last word, the old man dropped from his seat on the last carriage. It was obvious that he was dead, because he had been for several hours already. But it was still shocking to watch.

Team 7 took their positions around the carriage. The shadow finally turned itself into a man. He head no headband, no indication of his Village. A scar traveled down his left cheek to his chin. So it was a bit small compared to Kakashi's scar.

But upon the man's chest laid two more scars. They were only visible due to the slight opening within the man's shirt, but it was obvious what had happened. Someone had tried to cut his heart out. Obviously, not even that worked.

Besides the scars and the slight twitch the man had to him, he was rather handsome. A strong jawline, soulful eyes, nice hair. Even the 5 O'Clock shadow upon his face looked nice.

"Could you stop staring and just give me the girl," he laughed after a few minutes "I won't hurt you if you do."

The team staid silent. Every one of them seemed to be on edge. There was something about him that made the air around them shiver. The blood within Sakura's veins went cold as the man spoke.

"No?" He giggled "Is your lack of words your way of denying her to me."

His laugh caused Naruto to back away sightly. There was obviously something off with him but, his laugh only made it worse. He wanted to speak, but the words wouldn't climb their way out of his throat.

"You guys suck," the man laughed again and began walking to the carriage "Usually I'm at lease noticed before I morph back from being a shadow. But most of the time, when I do, I can have a conversation with the ninjas around."

As he got closer to the carriage Saskue found that he could not move to stop him. His whole entire body had been frozen in place. Even his thoughts seemed to be frozen in place. It was as if the presence of the man caused everyone around him to freeze in time.

With a simple chuckle the man opened the door to the carriage. The four helpers stood in front of Lady Misemono, each of them had taken off their veils. There eyes held fear within them. It was as if only the four girls could move.

"You can't have her!" One yelled and jumped towards the man.

He tumbled backwards as the unsuspected force flung herself towards him. As she wrestled the man to the ground the three others ran towards each member of the team. They would mumble something and do a few hand signatures before rushing to the next one.

Once the girls rushed away each member of Team 7 realized that they managed to regain their movement. It took a moment before they realized that they had their abilities back. It only happened when a series of screams occurred as each woman started to tackle the man.

"Get her out of here," one of them yelled "Hurry!"

Kakashi Sensei nodded and looked at his team, "You three stay here and watch over the girls. I'll take Misemono as far as I can before returning to find you."

The three nodded and began to help distract the man. Kakashi ran over to the still seated Misemono. Before he could grab her he remembered what the old lady had said. But there wasn't any gloves around.

"This will do," he grumbled and wrapped his hands into the dropped veils.

He quickly picked up Misemono, slightly noticing how underweight she was. But due to her lack of weight it made his life a bit easier. Jumping away from the conflict, Kakashi began his journey to a safe spot for the moon child.

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