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Life loves to throw curve balls,
To make you question everything.
To test you.
To keep you on your toes.
To make you strong.

I will stand strong be for it all.

The next time I wake up the sun is shining into the room .
Looking around the room I see Kol and Elijah talking by the window.

"Ah good your awake, how are you feeling miss Winston?" A new voice asks me. Looking over to my left I see a tall, thin younger guy, with shirt brown hair, and thick black glasses.
He was dressed in light pink scrubs and had a clip bored in his hand.

"I'm okay" i say softly.

" I'm Dr Anderson, let's check your vitals and see where we are." He says as he walks over and starts listing to my heart and checking my blood pressure.

I see both of my brothers turn to watch the doctor.

After he writes down my vitals on his clip bored. He looks at the heartbeat of my baby.
He stares at it for a minute with a frown.

"Is something wrong?" I ask feeling nervous.

" No nothing's wrong, just slightly abnormality that's all, I'm going to do an ultrasound to be safe." He says as he wheels over the ultrasound machine.

"This will be warm" he warns as he moves my hospital top out of the way and squirts the gel on my stomach.

The gel is warm as it touches my skin. He pulls out probe looking wand and puts it on my stomach and moves it around tell he finds what he's looking for. Watching the screen he make a face and moves it again and clicks on the machine.

"Ah there it is, well miss Winston everything is looking good, right on target. The abnormality I heard was the over lapping heartbeats." He says as he moves the wand again and clicks on the machine again.

"H-heartbeats?" I stutter.

"Oh yes, heartbeats," he says as he moves the screen so I can see. And he zooms In and points to two slightly bigger then jumbo jelly beans.

" see this here? That's baby A and this baby B, congratulations miss Winston your having twins." He tells me.

Shock is all I feel as I try to wrap my head around this.

" Your about eight weeks along and their right no track, now with your high blood pressure and now that we know your having twins, your going to have to be check more frequently through out your pregnancy." The doctor tells me as he puts away the machine and hands me a napkin to get the gel of my stomach.

"I'm going to keep you here again for tonight, if all goes well, your can go home tomorrow, I'll be in to check on you in a little bit." He tells me as before he leaves.

"Twins... wow sis this shit only happens to you," Kol says chuckling.

" take a walk Kol, I want to talk to Arizona alone" Elijah says while sitting down in the chair next to me.

Kol turns on his heels and strolls out the door.

Taking a deep breathe I look up and meet his Hazel stare.

"I know I messed up Elijah, I know I was incredibly stupid. I won't do it again, I just wanted to be free and not think about anything." I say to him trying to stop the lecture I know is coming.

" I'm not going to lecture you, your an adult, and your facing your own consequences. What am going to tell you is that twins change nothing, your family will be here, you will not be alone.

Your are little sister, we love you no matter what, no matter what you have done. There is nothing that can change that. When your ready you can talk to me and tell me the truth. The others will not ask again, they will take what you have said. But when your ready we will talk." He says simply.

"Elijah..." I start. But his hand goes up and he shakes his head.

"Please don't say anything Arizona, we will talk in time. For now rest little sister." He says as he puts his hand on mine.

We sit in silence and watch tv even after Kol comes back.

It gives me time to think..

How am I going to do this? Twins? Even with my family this was going to be hard.

Should I try to find him and tell him? I start to ask myself.

No! No one can know. After everything no one can know.

The soft noises from the tv and my brothers talking and laughing pull me out of my thoughts.

Everything going to be okay, I just have to keep him to myself , all will be fine.

Hello my lovelies,

Thank you for reading my story, I'm still hoping to upload more this weekend. Sorry this one is shorter then the others.

Hope you all enjoy.

Always Nyx

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