10. Trouble just beginning.

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When it rains it pours.
In the eye of the storm things take on a new meaning.

After sitting with Aiden for a bit and watching Ghost just stare at his son with amazement and a bit of heartbreak.

We make our way to a room so he can get his blood tested to see if he is a match.

"This will take a bit, you should have the answer by the end of the day, if you will just leave a contact number with us." The nurse says to him with a smile.

He nods his head at her.

" I'm going to sign some stuff for Aiden, I'll meet you outside by the car?" I say to him.

Again he nod his head.

It only takes me a few minutes to sign the paper, so I head outside and lean on my car smoking a cigarette by the time he gets out.

" thank you for doing this" I say to him softly.

"He's my son too, it's no big deal" he says with a shrug.

I smile softly. " I'm going to head to my place and feed Abel Lunch I'll be bring him back to the club house after Lunch and his nap so you can see him." I tell him.

"I'd like that thanks" he says with a small smile.

We part ways as I head to my condo and him back to the club house.

It doesn't take long to head home, after parking my car in my drive way and head in.

Expecting Chloe to be in the kitchen with Abel, i head there.

"Hey thanks for keeping him for a bit" I say walking into the kitchen and stopping at the door way.

Instead of Chloe standing in my kitchen it was Drex.

"Oh hey.. I didn't know you would be here" I say with a smile.

He nods his head and puts the extra meat away.

"Where's Abel?" I ask as I sit at the island.

"He's in bed, I put him down for his nap." He says back still to me.

"Okay thank you... you okay?" I ask him confused.

"I don't know Arizona.. should I be okay." He ask as he turns around and gives me a hard look.

" you were okay this morning.." I tell him slowly.

He laughs darkly. " yeah this morning was good, I had sex with my girl last night and got a quickie this morning. All was good. Tell I found this." He says as he slams the plan b box and packet down on the island.

I close my eyes and take a deep breathe.
"Where did you get that?" I ask him.

He scuffs " I found this in the bathroom in my locked room at the club house. Only you and I have a key to." He says with a hard voice.

Shit I think to myself I forgot it in the bathroom.

"Look, I wouldnt have had to take it had you pulled out or put a glove on." I say and wrap my arms around my body.

He slams his hands down on the island.
"I don't have to wrap up if I don't want to, and your damn straight I'm going to cum inside you, cause it my fucking right. It's my pussy. And why the fuck would you take a plan b." He shouts at me.

" Beacuse you came inside me Drex" I say back through gritted teeth.

" So? What you can fucking get Knocked up by that fucking jackass, but your to fucking good to carry my kid?" He yells.

"Jesus Drex, it's not that, I'm not ready to have anymore kids with what's going on, and look we are not ready to have kids, we not even in a real relationship." I say trying to calm everything down.

"Fuck that, you won't let me put a label on us, you won't let me tattoo you. And I'm starting to think your hung up on him. Make no mistake your mine and I'm ging to prove it to you. And him. " He yells as he throws a glass at the wall.

Before I can answer him a voice behind me speaks.

" momma?" Abels scared little voice has me turning around.

Looking at my scared little boy I make my way down to him and pick him and cuddle him close.

"Its okay baby" I say as I hold him close.

The front door slamming has us both jumping as Drex leaves.

"D was berry mad momma" he says as he nuzzle his head into my neck.

"Yeah baby but not at you, its all okay. Let's get you back to bed, then we can go see Uncle Kol and your dad" I says softly as I walk back down to the boys room.

I have a feeling Trouble has begin.


Hello Lovelies,

Thank you so much for the love for my book.

And being patient with me.
This week won't be as crazy so look for more updates!

Sorry for any mistakes and mis spelt words.

Also wish me luck I have entered SOULLESS in the 2018 watty awards!!

So fingers crossed!


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