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The next time I wake up it's to the sound of Abels voice. It takes me a minute to realize he's talking to ghost.

Keeping my eyes closed I listen to them talking. I feel warmth around me, and smell a spice woods sent.

"Momma make micky pancakes for Abie and brother and momma sit with us and eats them." I hear Abel's soft and sweet voice.

"Sounds like a lot of fun bub," Ghosts deep voice sounds extra gravelly this morning.

Opening my eyes I see I'm facing towards Ghost chest and Abel is sitting on it. I'm wrapped in one of Ghost muscular and tattooed arms.

Abel looks down at me and smiles big.
" momma!" He leans down and kisses me.

"Morning baby boy" I say to him running my fingers through his hair.

Feeling eyes on me I look up and get lost in the deep melted silver blue eyes of Ghost.

"Morning darlin" he says to me with a heart stopping smirk.

"Morning" I say with a blush and a smile

He smirks and shoots me a wink.

"Momma we go see brother today?" Abel asks me.

Looking at his blue eyes the mirror his father's and a cute pout on full display.

I feel my heart melting as I look up at Ghost who raise an eyebrow.

I nod my head " Yeah baby will go see Aiden today"

"Abies daddy too?" He looks down at Ghost.

Ghost chuckles " Yeah bud, daddy too"

A huge smile breaks across Abels face.

" let's get up and head to breakfast, then go see Aiden and maybe the park or something" Ghost says to us both.

Sitting up and after stretching I turn my head to talk to Ghost and see he's already looking at me. Bitting my lip as a blush make a it's way to my cheeks at the deep lust filled look he's giving me.

After Clearing my throat i say" Abel and i have chlothes in our room here, we can meet you out front?"

" Yeah babygirl that works for me, in about Twenty minutes?" He asks.

" Yeah that will work, come on baby boy let go get dressed" I say with a smile as I climb out of bed.

" otay momma" Abel answers as he jumps up into my arms.

With one last look over my shoulder at Ghost as I head out the door, his lust darkened eyes follow me as I leave.

The trip to the room the boys and I have here at the club house was quite and with no signs of anyone.

It doesn't take long for us to get ready, and head out to Meet ghost.

As we walk out the club house door I spot Ghost leaning against my car talking to one of his guys.

As I we get closer to the car Ghost looks up and motions us closer.

" darlin, this is Rampage my V.P., Ram this is.." Ghost starts to introduce us.

"This is Arizona" Rampage says with a wink at me. Turning to Abel he says" and this is little man, Abel" he says with a smile.

Abel nods his head with a big smile.

"Jackass, anyway this is the guy you go to if you can't get me, he knows who you and the boys are, and like I said your family. If I can't protect you, they will." Ghost says as he looks my right in the eye.

I nod my head and put Abel in his car seat.
Looking out at Ghost I say" are you riding with us or behind us?"

" figured I'd ride in your cage, if you were cool with it" he says with a shrug.

Nodding my head I hand him my keys and get in the car.

As I watch him talk to Rampage for a few minutes, I can't help but think back to last night and the soul sucking kiss we shared. Not sure where this leaves us, or even if he ment what he said.

All I can think to myself is this is going to be a long, interesting day.

Family time with him and our sons...
I never really thought that would happen.

Looking at Abel in the back seat all smiles beacuse of it, I find myself wishing and hoping for a good day, and more days like this.

He called us family, I can't help but wonder what that means to him and where that leaves us.

Clearing my head as I see him make his way to the drivers side of my car, I think to myself this is going to be one hell of ride.

Hello lovelies, 
Thank you guys for being so awesome!
Reading all your comments has been the best.

It will be slow updates for a bit, with all the stuff I have going on, but I will try my hardest to get on here and put up chapters.
Sorry this is a short one, the next one will be longer.

Hope to hear from you guys.

Who's ready to see them out as a family?
Who's ready to see her with Ghost?
Or should she work things out with Drex?

Let me know what you guys think.


SOULLESS  ~Devil's Saints MC~Where stories live. Discover now