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After eating breakfast we headed to the hospital. With Aiden doing well enough that Abel can see him. After we made it through disinfecting chamber we made our way into Aidens room.
Before he could notice us on his own Abel was running for his twin.

"Aiddie" he yelled as he raced to get to him.
"Abie" Aidens little voice sounded brightly in the room.
Not caring about the iv in his arm they wrapped their arms around each other and didn't look like they wanted to let go.
Whispering to each other with smiles so big their little checks had to have hurt.

Looking over at Ghost I see a genuine smile on his face as he watches them.
I feel my heart pound and ache at the Sametime.

"You ready to meet Aiden while he's awake?" I whisper to him.

He looks over at me with his eyes so full of emotion and nods.

Walking over to my giggling sons, I bend down next them.

"Hey baby boy" I say to Aiden as I kiss his head.

"Momma" he says a big smile across his face as he snuggles into my arms.

Wrapping him in my arms I hold him close for a few minutes trying not to cry.

After holding him for a few minutes I pull back.
"Aiden i have someone i want you to meet" i say with a smile.

Ghost swats down next me with a small soft smile on his face.

"Aiden this is Grayson, your daddy." I say softly.

Aiden looks up at Ghost his blue eyes sparkling.

"Hi bud" Ghost says softly

"Hi" Aiden squeaks a blush taking over his cheeks.

"Aiddie daddy is da best" abel tells him with a big grin.

And with that Aiden smiles and holds out his toy motorcycle to Ghost.

I take a step back and watch them all play together.

My heart aches with a new emotion watching Ghost with both of his sons. Wishing more now then ever that I had told him from the start.

A knock on glass has me looking over at the doctor, after waving to Ghost I make my way into the disinfected room the leads to Aidens room.

"Arizona, I'm glad I caught you I wanted to be able to tell you in person. Grayson is a perfect match so we can start the process this week, with his blood results looking so good, if he keeps them up till Friday we can let Aiden go home" he says a big smile on his face.

"That's great, thank you so much" I say tearing up.

After he makes his way out I stand there with happy tears filling my eyes watching my sons and the man I quickly falling for.

As if feeling my eyes on him, Ghost looks up and gives me a breathtaking smile.

Hello lovelies,

I know it's short but I hope you like it!! Some good stuff coming up! Hope you stay with me!

Let me know what you guys think.


SOULLESS  ~Devil's Saints MC~Where stories live. Discover now