CH. 21 Starting.

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The call came. A meeting with Aiden's doctor.
So here we sit, Ghost and I, in Doctor Adam's office.
I was scared of what this meeting could mean.
I feel Ghost reach down and grab my hand giving it a gentle squeeze.

" We ran more test, and at this point bone marrow is the best option we have." Doctor Adams says as she folds her hands on her desk.

"Walk me through the process doc" Ghost says as he squeezes my hand again.

"Well you would take a set of shots for a week, then you would have a at least two week down time, we will talk the surgery after the first week of shots"

"let's do it, give me the paper work and all I need to do to get this started"

"All right, you can come with me this will take about an hour. "

Ghost kisses me then stands up and follows her down the hall.

This was our hail Mary, if this doesn't work .. well I don't even want to think about it.

My sons are my whole world they mean everything to me.
This has been one of the hardest things I have ever gone through.


"Did you get him down okay?" I ask Ghost as I dry the last plate and put it away.

"Yeah he was tried from his day" he chuckles.

"Chloe said they had a big day and lots of fun"

"Babygirl what's wrong?"

"Are you sure you want to do this?, the shots mean no drinking or weed then you have down time where you cant be active in the club."

" baby.. of course I'm sure, he's our son"

"I just dont want you to regret this" I mumble

"I would never regret this or not do this, you and our sons is my lifes blood, I will do anything for you guys till my last breath." He tells me as he pulls me close and holds me to him.

Listening to his heart beating a steady beat. I knew he would always protect our family.
I knew then I was completely in love with this man.
He was ingrained in me, I would die for him as well.

Hello lovelies,

It's been a crazy couple of weeks
Hope you enjoy this chapter the end is coming up soon longer chapters are coming as well.

My dream for this story is to one day get it published. So please stay with me on this journey.

I cant say thank you enough
So thank you very much!
You guys are the best!!
Much love to you all!

SOULLESS  ~Devil's Saints MC~Where stories live. Discover now