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Hello lovelies!
This chapter has some sex scenes in it, so if you dont want tot read it you might want to skip it!
Hope you enjoy it, I tried my hardest to write it and give you some good smut.
Always Nyx

Gripping the soft sheets in front of me I throw my head back in pleasure. The sounds of skin hitting skin is loud in the room.
I feel his hands grip my hips harder as thrust himself harder inside me.
"Come on Babygirl you gotta come for me, not gonna stop tell you do" Ghost's voice was deep and raspy.
With a whimper I push myself back against him.
"Fuck babygirl i love how my mark looks, means your mine.. fuck your so tight" he rasp out with a grunt as he snaps his hips harder into mine.

Moaning I push back harder, as I feel his hand grip my hair I tighten around him.
Before I can blink he moves us, now I'm on my side and he can see his name as he slams into my body.

"I promise the next round is gonna be softer"

The grip he has on my leg gets tighter as he watches his name on my body, he thrust getting harder, faster.
Gripping my sheets as euphoria hits me.

"Fuck, that's it cum for me, shit I'm close" he grunts out pushing harder he slams into me. The noise come from him light my body on fire as he leans over me , his teeth biting into my shoulder, I see his body tense as he spills inside of me.

Running my fingers through his hair as he places kisses on my shoulder. I shuttered as he pulls out of me and lays next to me.

Rolling so I'm on my stomach, my upper body on his chest. I can hear is heartbeat racing as he runs his fingers down my arm.

"I'm still going to worship every inch of you just give me five" he chuckles out.

Placing a kiss on his chest I look up at him

"I think you already did that" I say softly my voice slightly raspy.

"Oh baby you ain't seen nothing yet"
I start to leave light kisses acrost his chest, making my way way down his chest and back up I hear his breathing pick up again.

Shifting my body so I'm straddling him I lean up so my lips are hovering over his

"What if I want to worship you? What if I want to ride you? " I whisper against his lips.

My wetness hovering over his hardening length.
He pushes his hips up as I push mine down. We both moan as he slides inside me.

Putting my hands on his chest as I sit all the way down on him. His hands gripped the sheets as I slowly start to move mine.

The feeling of power rushes through me, to see the look on his face, hear the noises he cant hold in as I ride him.

Moving my hips faster I start when I sit ba k down I start rocking back and forth. His hands coming up to grip my hips, his body tense his groans and growls slipping out faster.

Throwing my head back as I lose myself in the pleasure, I could feel myself tightening around him.
He let's out a deep groan.
" that's it baby cum so I can fuck.. your strangling my dick.. fuck yeah like that , move like that" he grunts out, I can see him holding back letting me have control.

Leaning towards him a bit I work my hips faster it wasnt long before I felt him tense up and empty inside me.
With shutter I collapse down on his chest panting for air, my body alive with tingles.

I can feel his heart racing with mine as he holds me to him.
Leaving little kisses where ever he could reach.

"Damn Babygirl.." he rasps out.
Giggling breathlessly I place a kiss on his heart.

We just lay together basking in our after glow as he runs his fingers through his hair.

"Marry me"

Hello lovelies,

I hope you all had a great Christmas as well

I hope you all are having a good week, I know this chapter is shorter, bare with me.
I have big things planned! And for those of you who want to know look for new chapters this weekend and look for chapters in my bad boy book soon!
You guys are amazing! My new year plan is get soulless finished and the 2nd book up and started.
Thank you for all the love and support.

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