The misery

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"Sometimes things do not go the way we expect and then we feel shattered." My sister said as she sat down on my bed
     "Caroline! That is the most reasonable thing you have ever said. But I would agree"
     "I have said mine! So do you need me pick your clothes for you"
      My sister is a fashionista. I am too but she has more than experience in things like this so I would obey for once in my life.
    "Are you sure You don't need me to follow you or Francis?"she said throwing a short dress at me
      "I wish I could! In case I am in trouble or I am not home by 10pm, I will leave his home address in the kitchen and if I call and I say code 12. Just know that I am in trouble.
     Code 12 was my great friend! Whenever I wanted to tell my sister something in public . She already understood that when I say Code 12 ,that I needed to see her in private.
    "I love you. Please stay safe!" Caroline said
"Why do I feel this is creepy? Caroline, please be you!"I said with a mouth full of laughter
    "Ok fine! Have fun bitch and don't drink too much of good stuff. No marijuana!!"
       "I promise you! I will be fine."
    We both hugged each other. It was the first hug we had in a decade,I guess.
     "Wait! Breath check? Pepper mint?"
"Check! Not like he is going to kiss me."

I was now standing in front of a house, it was a mansion. But it did not look like one because it did not look like mine. There were lights on everywhere and I could hear people ranting and lip-syncing to some weird music
          "Hey Jade, let me show you around" it was Bala
Bala is the weirdest person in grade 10.
  "Umm...I need to see Hyacinth!"
      "Ok.....he is in his room"
"Can you call him out for me?"
   "Ah, are you shy? Go! you are looking good too" Bala said walking away 
     "Okay Bala !" I screamed from a distance
  I was standing in front of his room,it was secured with a huge brown door and then I started to think why he was not outside dealing with some meat and he was in his room. And I wondered why Bala said I should come to his room. After all the weird questions going through my mind,I finally knocked.
    "Come in!" He answered quickly like he knew I had been at the door for few minutes.
    Maybe he was expecting me or maybe the other people were inside too. I did not know.
     "Umm...won't you ask who is it?"
There was no response.
   I opened the door slowly putting on my cutest face. When I went in. I saw a figure or rather a silhouette trying to get rid of some coke cans. It was Bolu . I was day dreaming again, I could see us getting married. I loved him so much and I could through hell for him.
"What is wrong with you? " a voice in head spoke
"Hey .....ummm—
"Jade! My name is Jade. Nice to meet you again!" I was happy at least I did not stammer this time.
I sat down on his bed and he did too. He asked me so many questions about my future ambitions and other boring stuffs. It seemed interesting to me because he was saying it.
"Do you have a boyfriend and have you ever ? You know, before!"
"No!" The word jumped out quickly
There was an awkward silence between the both of us. No one said a thing and we were staring right at each other. There was something special about his eyes that when I stared at it I fell in love all over again.
"You, I love you!"
I felt like I was in my dream. He was leaning in. He was moving closer. Maybe he wanted to pull out the bug in my hair.
Then he touched me.
"I love you so much" he said laying me down on his bed
He wanted a kiss? No,he wanted to make out! What is wrong with me?!
"Stop! You stupid twerp." I said getting up and putting myself together
"what is wrong with you? What do you want?"
"Oh....I get what you are trying to do"
"I am sorry. I am not being the bad person now! You can't just come to my room and sit down on my bed and we don't do nothing!"
"But....I thought you loved me" I tried to spit it out because all I wanted to do was cry.
I ran out, picked my phone up.
"Code 12!"

"What happened?" Caroline said as I got into her car.
She got no response. I was still under the shock of what Bolu did to me.
"What happened between you and Bolu?"
"Leave me alone ! He...he ....tried to make out! He tried to turn me into a whore. I thought he loved me and Hyacinth told me no boy would ever do that to me" I said with tears streaming down my face
"He wanted to have—
"Wait did you say Hyacinth said no boy would treat you bad? Yes...Hyacinth. Maybe he likes you,I think Hyacinth actually likes you" Caroline said looking too serious to make a joke.
"Can we go now? And besides Hyacinth is my best friend. He said that because he doesn't want any guy to treat me bad. I know Hyacinth well." I said quickly and angered
Why would Bolu even do that to me? He does not even know my name! Why would Caroline say that Hyacinth likes me. I mean he loves me as a friend! He is my best friend and that is it. Why would Caroline even say that after she knows that Bolu just broke my heart?
"I hate my life!" I screamed at my favourite Pillow

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