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13 June 04

To Adrian, 

School is out! I wish we could see each other but we'll get to do that at Christmas which Isn't very far away now!

Hufflepuff didn't win the house cup, Ravenclaw did (which I'm sure Daria will tell you all about), but Hufflepuff did come second so that's exciting! 

I'm a little bit stressed about my relationship though and I know that you seemed less than impressed when I told you about it last time but I need advice. I can't tell my friends at Hogwarts because they would absolutely tell Hanson what I said right away. They mean well but I don't think that's the best way to go with this.

Hanson and I have been going out for a couple months now as you know and I don't feel like he's into me like he was before. To be honest I'm not that into him anymore either. I know you don't have much experience with relationships but I was wondering what you would do?

Maybe I'm just over reacting and romanticising the time when we first got together or I'm right about Hanson avoiding me during class and breaks.

I would really like your input before I do anything because you are my best friend.

How are you going to spend your holidays? I'm going to a quidditch game, I'm not sure who playing or much about the sport but dad likes it so we're going together.

Write on the usual time.

From, Lazarus


20 June 04

To Lazarus,

These holidays I've decided I'm going to construct a tree house and work on my soccer so I can get into the team next semester.

About Hanson, I think you should break up with him. I never liked him anyway, you're way too good for him.

Anyway you can get whatever guy you want, you'll be fine. 

The quidditch game sounds really cool, Tell me what happens and who wins, my parents aren't that intrested in quidditch but Daria would kill to go but she is saving up to buy a ticket to the holly head harpies game in July and she's almost there. 

This is Ginny Potter's last game probably ever because she's pregnant and you can really play such a violent (or any) game when you're some amount of pregnant.

Charlie got a summer job at a law firm, I told his it's because he's a nerd that makes good coffee, he agrees but he's glad that he got it anyway.

Write on the usual time.

From, Adrian


18 Sept 04

To Adrian,

I took your advice and when school started I broke up with Hanson. 

I know it's for the best but I'm still sad about it. You said I can get whatever guy I want and I know that but I want people to like me for me and not for how I was born. Being Veela shouldn't change my experiences as a human being, but it does and that sucks.

I imagine being my mother and having to live with coming from a Veela village to Hogwarts, having attention put upon you and not knowing what to do with it. I'm half Veela and I've been dealing this with this for my whole life and It's over whelming.

I know it's dumb but I miss having someone there, I have friends but a boyfriend feels good to have. I've got to stop thinking about it or I'll get sad.

The quidditch game was pretty good, I think Italy won, or maybe Bulgaria, or Kazakhstan? It was good anyway, I liked the excited environment and how everyone was focusing on the players.

I hope you get to come with me one day.

Write on the usual time.

From, Lazarus


25 Sept 04

To Lazarus, 

How did you even get confused that much, aren't there only two teams playing at a time, how could Italy, Bulgaria or Kazakhstan win? Your lack of knowledge about sports is endearing. Also I've been working on expending my vocabulary, I feel very photosynthesis. 

Don't feel upset about Hanson, I'm sure he was a douche anyway. We're best friends we could totally date each other if you feel really lonely.

This year Jerry isn't at the school anymore. No more Jeremy Higgins is always a reason to celebrate! I might actually have a chance at soccer not that Mr Higgins isn't coaching. I heard they moved to India but Lucas thinks they moved to Australia, this is what happens when you have unreliable sources, either way they're gone.

Charlie is moving after Christmas though which is really sad but it's good that Lucas and I had warning so we can make this time with us the best time, so he never forgets us.

Have a good, ebullient week. Write on the usual time. 

From, Adrian


25 Oct 04

to Adrian,

That's great news about Jerry and Mr Higgins, the only person who can make fun of you is me, it's best friend privilege. 

Well, maybe I am really lonely.

Also good job for trying with the big words, but sorry to say most of them do not mean what you think they mean, but trying is all that matters. 

You know I've never been good with following sport, It took me so long to learn about soccer to even know what you were going on about all the time. But I do like it when you talk about soccer.

I don't understand some of the math from last week but I did what I could. Pythagoras' theorem seems easy enough, I don't know when you will use that in everyday life but I suppose you could say that about baubillious spell too.

Thanks for the advice too.

Write on the usual time.

From, Lazarus


1 Dec 04

To Lazarus,

I can't believe it's holidays! I wont put a lot in this letter because we can hangout and talk tomorrow.

See you then

From, Adrian


Yay, In time for Valentines day! 

Also I know that the latest date that James Sirius could be born is August 2004 but lets pretend that it's later because it's not good for someone who would be 8 months pregnant to be flying. So in this I say Ginny's about early 2 months and that is her last game with the Holly Head Harpies.


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