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Standing out the front of Lazarus' house is weirdly tense for Adrian this Christmas. Adrian has always been the first one to the door and the first one to knock, but this year he wasn't feeling it.

When the four stand at the door in a group and Adrian mum knocks, Adrian is the most tense, as to the point that Daria gives him funny looks of question.

Lazarus opens the door as always with a big smile on his face that seems to smile even brighter when he looks at Adrian. All of Adrian's tenseness dissipates and all that is left is smiles and excitement. The first one to be engulfed into a giant Lazarus hug is, of course, Adrian who has zero complaints. Lazarus is a very good huger. Next is Daria who is like a little sister to both, then Adrian's parents who hug back for a shorter time.

Once all the 'hellos' and 'how was your trips' were said Adrian and Lazarus rush to Lazarus' room just as they always do. To unpack Adrian's stuff and talk about, in more detail than the letters, what happened that year.

"It's sucks that Charlie is fully gone." Lazarus says placing down Adrian's pillow on his own bed. Sharing a bed has never been awkward with these two, why would it be? Adrian feels quite sad at the fact that one of his best friends at school has left, but not even that could completely dampen his mood Adrian found.

"Yeah it does, but its okay, he's going to have a lot of fun." Adrian says picking up Lazarus' Hufflepuff scarf and putting it on himself as a head shawl. Lazarus snatched it off Adrian's head, receiving a light (but deep) gasp from the taller boy.

"You know how I was curious about Mcgonagall's age. Did you ever find out?" Adrian asks grabbing his toiletries and setting it down on the bedside table to put away later. 

"No I didn't and honestly I'm too afraid to ask. Apparently the old head master was about 150 before he passed away and it wasn't old age that killed him!" Lazaus says remembering seeing, head master Dumbledore's portrait and speaking to him on occasion. 

"Does that mean you're going to be a wrinkly 150 year old man someday?" Adrian teases pretending to rub away Lazarus' non existant forehead lines. Lazarus' trued to back away but Adrian moves closer. Then Lazarus backs away ans Adrian moves closer, this happens again and again until it's a full game of tag.

"I'll never be an old m-" Adrian pushes Lazarus onto the bed in the middle of the sentence, Laazarus grabs Adrian's hair and pulls Adrian down with him. 

Adrian takes a minute to assess the position they're in. Adrian on top of Lazarus with his head, controlled by his hair, smushed into Lazarus' chest. The exhaustion of the year and the relief finally getting to lay down, gets to Adrian and he falls sleep on Lazarus' chest.


A loud banging from the door wakes up Adrian after only an hour of sleep.

"Dinner!" Daria yells from outside the door and promptly walks away. Adrian looks up at Lazarus who is still somehow asleep, even after Daria's banging.

 With a sigh, Adrian stands up and looks down at Lazarus who is half on his bed with his legs dangling down. His face is extremely neutral but in a calm sort of way, Adrian felt as if he could watch him sleep until he wakes up nice and peacefully.

But, alas, people have to eat. Adrian gets on his knees next to Lazarus' bed.

"Lazarus, time to wake up sleepy." Adrian softly shakes the other boy's shoulder and practically sings his words. Lazarus groans and rolls over so that hi back is facing Adrian's face.

Adrian gets on the bed and crawls to the other side of Lazarus poking his face which is hiding in his hands.

"Don't you want dinner?" Adrian pokes with each word. Lazarus takes his hands off his face and looks up at Adrian smiling.

"Yeah I do, but I want to lay here with you more." For a second Adrian almost let him get away with that but a growl from Adrian's stomach persuades him to get up and drag Lazarus with him. 

 "Up up up up." Adrian grabs Lazarus by the waist and lifts him up and out of the room, setting him down before they get to the stairs. Which at that point Lazarus demands a piggyback ride to the dinner table.

Lazarus gets off Adrian's back when he only has to take approximately three and a half steps until he is sitting down at the table. Adrian rolls his eyes before sitting down in between Lazarus on his left, and Daria who is sitting at the foot of the table.


What's an updating schedule? I wouldn't know.

Thanks for over 400 reads so far its been really great!

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