Chapter I

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"FACE IT JUSTIN! I CAN'T PREGNANT! I CAN'T GIVE YOU WHAT YOU WANT! WHAT YOUR FAMILY WANT!" I shouted at Justin, my now husband. I sit on the edge of our bed, cover my face with my hands, "I can't pregnant.."

He sits next to me, hug me tight, "we can always adopt, Linds, we can always adopt a child."

"It's not the same, Justin. Will never be the same" i put my head on Justin's shoulder and close my eyes tight.

"Lindsay, look at me.." He pull my face, make me looking at him, " We can always adopt a child, we can find one that looks like us. There's always way out, Lindsay, I don't care if it's my biological kid or not, as long as we raise them together. And my family will always understand. And I will never ever want to let you go." He kiss my forehead, "I love you, Lindsay, always do."

"I love you too, but i can't let this happen, i want to give your family what they want, i want to make them happy, Justin."

"Lindsay, they're hap-"

"NO! your mother wants to have a grandchild, biological grandchild! She wants to feel what it feels like to be a grandmother. And i can't give her what she wants, what she needs."

"Baby, she will understand, she will be okay with that." He holds my hand tight.

"Maybe she would say yes, but deep inside her heart, she wants a grandchild. like my mom does. like everyone want."

"Lindsay, come on, i'll explain it all to them, it's the only choice they have, baby. Sooner or later they will accept this, our condition."

"No Justin, it's not the only choice." I stand up and look out the window.

"Tell me what's the other?" He ask. I swallowed and close my eyes tight. I don't like this idea, but this is the other way.

I open my eyes, walk to Justin, kneel in front of him and hold his hands.

"I have an idea."

"Tell me." Justin said and now looking at me

I sigh and try to think about this a while, i close my eyes for a while and open it.

I look at Justin, "Marry Selena."

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