Chapter VI

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"Congrats Lindsay, You're having a baby."


I smirked, "you're kidding right? tell me you're kidding."

He looks confused, "No, i'm not kidding. You're pregnant Lindsay!"

"But... Justin..." I fall in tears.

"Shh.. baby, let's just go home." Bekkah hugged me tight, "Thank you doctor."

"You're welcome. and here's the result papers, if you want to keep it." He said.

"Thank you." I said slowly and grab the papers. Me and Bekkah walked out the room, and to her car, "what should i do ? what should i tell Justin? omg, i'm screw" i close my face with my hands, crying.

"sssh... baby, i will help you. It's not a big deal. don't worry. Justin will be so happy. and maybe will divorce Selena. Look, babe..." Bekkah pull my hand and hugs me, "Justin will be so happy and proud. it's his baby, from you. let it slow, okay ?"

"I don't know. I let him married to Selena! that's my idea! i hate my life!" i shouted.

"Look, let's just go home, okay? we'll talk about this, i'll always be there for you."

"Thank you, Bekkah." I hug her tight.

"You're welcome, girl." I let go of her and she started to drive.

[At Home]

"Look, i will call you tonight, Brian needs me now, you okay ?" Bekkah said.

"Yeah, i'm fine Bekkah, i will tell Justin later. Thank you" i get out the car

"See ya, babe" She drives away. It's now almost 1 PM, i saw Justin's car parked. wait, isn't he suppossed to be in Disney Land or something ? I put the papers inside my bag and walked inside the house.

"I'm home!" I shouted, where is everybody ?

"Pattie ? Justin ?"

I heard car honk from outside, Pattie's car. with Selena and Justin ? and Pattie too ? where have they been ?

They walk inside the house, smiling. What did i miss?

"OMG! I can't believe it!!" Justin said, looking at Selena. happy.

"Me too! omg! finally!" Pattie said.

"You guys are too much!! I know it will happen someday!" Selena said.

Justin pick Selena bridal style and kiss her romantically. Hello. Jealous over here.

I clear my throat, "what's going on?"

Pattie looking at me while Justin and Selena still kissed, more like eat each other face.

"Oh sweetie, you have no idea how happy i am!"

"and why is that ?" I asked.

"Selena is pregnant!!"

heard those 3 words. my life is over. my baby is now... forgotten. Strong, Lindsay, it's your idea at first. You have to be strong. But i can't!! knowing that Selena is also having a baby from, my husband. don't cry Lindsay, you have to be happy for them. I gave them, fake smile.

"Congrats." i saw Pattie and Justin busy with Selena's stomach, maybe they didn't hear it at all. I walked to my bedroom, lock myself and crying there. I still can't believe it. Now i have to raise this baby, alone. I can't believe i have to come up with this silly idea. I grabbed my phone and call Bekkah.

=Phone Convo=

B : hey babe!

L : hey Bekkah!

B : have you told Justin ?

L : no, and never. I don't want to keep this baby


L : Why would i keep this ? Justin won't care about it!

B : WTF? you never try Lindsay! that's your problem!


B : omg, Lindsay...

L : that's it, i don't want to keep this baby.

B : Lindsay, look. i'll come to your house, now, okay ? we need girls time. i will pick you in 10, okay ? be ready.

L : but-

B : no but, just get ready. now. Love you babe

L : love you too Bekkah.

=End Phone Convo=

I sighed and put my phone, i still hear Justin yells happily downstair. I'm screw. I can't do this. I'm not ready. and will never be.

I changed my clothes and bring my phone, and walked out the room. Once i got downstair, my eyes burn. I saw Justin ear on Selena's stomach. i rub my stomach, "sorry baby." i whispered slowly to my stomach. i feel tears fall down my eyes when i heard a car honk, Justin then sit and look at me, but i just walked outside, i don't want him to see me.

I run to Bekkah's car and cry, Bekkah hug me tight.

"It's okay baby." I let go of her,

"i want to stay a night at yours, is that fine ?" I asked, sobs.

"Of course, baby, you're like sister to me. My apartment is always open for you. But now, we need to have fun, okay ? Before that belly become a monster." She giggled, she knows how to make me smile.

"Okay captain!" I said, chuckled.


[Pattie's POV]

I'm 100% sure that Lindsay rubbed her stomach and said i'm sorry baby ? is she.. i need to figure something out.

"Where's Lindsay go?" I asked Justin. He looks very happy with Selena's pregnant. Well, to be honest yes, i'm happy too. Who doesn't ? Selena's baby will be my first grandchild, ever.

"I don't know Mom, she didn't say anything." Justin back to Selena, like he doesn't care about Lindsay. No. this is so wrong. And i know this is.

I walked to Lindsay's room. i don't know why, but i feel want to look for something. I opened the door and locked it behind me. I walked around her dressing room and toilet, there's no pregnancy test.

I walked around her bedroom again, under pillow, under bed, behind the curtain, everywhere, except... her end table. She always put important thing there. I walked to her end table next to her bed.

I slowly opened it and find some letters, i grabbed one, i saw the date, it's around 3 months ago. It says she can't pregnant. And she still keep this. I swear if i was her, i will burn it.

Then something hit my eyes, another letter from a hospital, more like Pregnancy room. I took it and read the name, Lindsay Jensen. Weird, She never use that name again since she's married to Justin. I saw the date, it was from... today ? what she's doing there? pregnancy room ?

I slowly open the envelope, and grab the letter inside. Slowly open the letter and read it slowly till i found the word...

"Lindsay Jensen is 100% Positive Pregnant"

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