Chapter II

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It's been 2 weeks, since my talk with Justin. We've decided to tell our parents. They didn't like it, including Justin. But at the end, they agree with me. Even i know Justin and my parents also Pattie won't like it. It's the only choice for Pattie and Justin and his family.

*knock knock*

I walked to my door, opened the door to see Justin with puffy eyes, sobs and gave me half smile. I gave him my fake smile and hug him tight. I don't want to let go, but i have to.

"Hey." I said and pulled away from the hug.

"Hey. You mind if i stay here tonight ?" He asked.

"Sure, come on in." I walked to the bed and sat on the edge of it. It's the wedding tomorrow. HIS wedding with Selena. i still can't believe i actually did this. But i think, it's for good. especially to his family.

"You don't want to change your mind, do you?" He asked, sit next to me.

"Even if i want to, it's too late."

"No it's not, the wedding is in 17 hours. There's a turning back, Lindsay." He looked down, "I love you and i don't want to let you go, or even leave you." I saw tears fell from his eyes.

I held his hand and kiss his cheek, "You're not leaving, Justin. We're still married. We're still together. And i'm still yours, even you're not only mine."

He turned to look at me, "Please promise me something, Lindsay." I saw another tears.

"Anything." I look at him in the eyes

He grabbed my hand, "Please promise me, you will never ever going out with other guys, until this marriage thing is over. Until the baby born and i divorce with Selena. Please promise me that."

I look at him, give him my best smile, "I promise."

He gave me his weak smile and hug me tight, then let go of me. He grabbed a box from his pocket. He open the box, i saw a beautiful necklace and saw Justin & Lindsay Bieber and our wedding date.

"Please wear this everyday. Even if you sleep. Let it stay in your hearts."

I look at him, smiling, "I will"

He smiled and help me to put it around my neck.

"It's beautiful, Justin."

He looked at me, "just like you. pure beautiful." He leaned down and kiss my lips tightly, i felt my tears down, i will miss this so much.

I put my hand around his neck and he put his hand around my waist and pull me even close. I saw tears falling from Justin's eyes. He laid me slowly on the bed and he got on top of me.

"I Love you, Lindsay." And with that, he took of mine and his shirt...

I woke up the next morning, staring outside the window. It's the wedding day. Justin and Selena. If only i could pregnant. I turned my head towards the naked Justin, he's sleeping peacefully. His hands are around my waist, hug me tight. I lay my head on his chest, listen to his heartbeat. When i about to close my eyes, i heard his phone rang. It's an alarm. I moved slowly and kissed his cheek, almost lips.

"Wake up baby, it's the wedding day. You have to get ready." I whispered, hold the tears that about to fall down.

He moved slowly and look at me, tired, "why you have to remind me about that ?"

"Cause you have to. It's 5 AM, the wedding will be around 8 AM, we have 3 hours only. come on." I was about to stand up and he reached my hand and pull me back to his hug.

"I love you Lindsay." And that's it. Tears fell from my eyes, i hug him very tight.

I'm not ready, i'm not ready to share him with other girls. But i can't stop this. It's for good.

"I love you too, Justin. More than you love me." With that i let go of him, "We're strong Justin. It will be okay." I slowly touch his cheek, rub it up and down.

"But i'm not as strong as you."

"You can change that." I kissed his cheek.

[2 and a half hours later]

I look myself in the mirror, in a white dress, but this time, it's not a wedding dress. I can feel another tears fall down to my cheek. I still can't believe i'm the one behind this idea, that slowly hurt me.

*Knock Knock*

"Come in." I shouted.

I saw Bekkah on the door, she looked at me feel sorry.

"You know there's always a turning back, Lindsay. It's not too late." She said walked to me and rub my arm, comforting me.

"No, Bekkah, It's too late. And this is my idea, i have to take a risk on it. I have to be strong." I said and feel another tears.

Bekkah hug me and i burst into tears. I hug her back, "I'm not strong enough, Bekkah. I still can't believe i'm the one who came up with this idea."

"Psssh.." Bekkah rub my back, comforting me again, "I know sweetheart, i'll always be there for you, if you need me. Always."

Someone walked in to the room, and i saw Pattie, she looked sad.

"Hey Lindsay, Bekkah." She said

"Hey Pattie." I said.

She walked to me and hold both of my hands, "I love you Lindsay, and what you did, no what you do now, is such a brave thing. You take risk to make us all happy. And I'm thank you for that."

I saw tears fall from her face, "But i don't want to see you sad. It hurts me, you did a lot of things to make me happy since your wedding with Justin. This is a lot to take, Linds. I know how you feel, we have 30 minutes left. now tell me, would you like to stop and end this, or you still want this wedding to happen?"

I swallowed and look at her, "let this wedding happen."

Pattie let go of my hands, and look down then me. I feel tears falling from my eyes.

"I'm sorry Lindsay." She hug me tight, "Just tell me everything you need, you want. If you need someone to talk to, the way you did this to our family, is a big thing to do. I owe you a big thing."

"It's okay Pattie, and thank you" I hug her back.

She let go of me, "okay now, let's put on some make up." She tried to smile at me, but failed.


Bekkah help us with the make up.

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