chapter 2

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Lee ran off to be side by side with his girlfriend.

Estelle looked to him and smiled fondly. "Heeey, I know you..." she said in a teasing voice.

"Yep, I'm your super strong jock boyfriend." Lee smirked.

"Oh, that's right, and I'm the graceful and delicate ballerina with the powers of Wiccans and mermaids..." Estelle then said as she spread her arms out and balanced on one leg.

"Need a boost?" Lee asked.

"If you don't mind." Estelle smiled.

"I never mind with you." Lee smiled back.

Estelle giggled as Lee lifted her up and used one of the W.H.O.O.P gadgets to help them get her home fast. Akito yawned as he was running his usual pace until Lee zipped past him.

"See ya, Akito!" Estelle called as she was zipping by with her boyfriend.

"Now that's more like it!" Akito smiled.

Vincent laughed as he ran his level best, it was faster than a normal teenager's, but no match for Akito of course. The Fudo siblings rushed home.

Angel was sleeping in the front lawn, then one eye opened as she smiled, then stood up all fours in excitement. "The kids are home!" she beamed, wagging her tail in excitement. She then saw Estelle arriving first with Lee carrying her bridal style.

"Welcome home, Princess." Lee smiled.

"Such a charmer~..." Estelle blushed.

"Hello there, you two." Angel smirked.

"Hey, girl." Estelle smiled bashfully as Lee helped set her down to her feet.

"Now, all we need to do is wait for your brothers to get here." Angel said.

"Have a good dinner with the Parr family, okay?" Lee said to his girlfriend.

"Don't worry, I'll call you." Estelle promised.

"Great." Lee smiled.

"I finally caught up with you two." Akito said, leaning on the porch all cool-like.

"Whatever!" Estelle rolled her eyes as she came to the door.

"Jeez, can't we ever just run home normally?" Vincent panted.

"What is this 'normal' you speak of, Mr. Artiste?" Akito asked in a teasing voice.

Vincent rolled his eyes. "Why wasn't I an only child?"

"If you were an only child, your life would be boring." Lee said.

"It's true." Akito added in.

'Whatever..." Vincent scoffed as he followed his sister inside.

Estelle kissed the palm of her hand, pretended it was a softball, and threw it toward his direction. Lee smiled as he caught the 'ball' and held it against his chest. The Fudo siblings then got themselves home and reminded their parents about going to the Parr house for dinner tonight since Violet was Estelle's good friend at school and they decided to hang out and get to know each other a little bit better.

"I can't wait to taste their food." Scruffy smiled.

"Be on your best behavior." Mo reminded the kids.

"Yes, Mom..." the Fudo siblings droned as they got themselves ready to have dinner away from home tonight.

"You guys sure you wanna come?" Estelle asked her brothers. "I mean, Violet's more my friend than she is any of yours."

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