chapter 15

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Mo and Helen were now on their way to see E.

"Wow, this is some house." Mo said.

"You're the one with a fashionable sister-in-law." Helen replied.

Mo sighed and rolled her eyes. "Come on, let's go see her."

"We might as well get it over with." Helen said.

The two women came and met with E and she led them downstairs toward her hidden lab.

"Zhis project has simply captured my life, darlings," E said to the taller and younger women as she led them. "Consumed me as only hero vork can. My best vork, I must admit. Simple, elegant, yet bold. You vill die. I did Robert and Atticus's suits and zhey turned out so beautiful I just had to continue!"

"Wait, what do you mean Robert and Atticus's suits? I thought you only did Bob's AKA Robert's suit?" Mo asked.

"His needed a bit of vork as vell since he has grown bigger zhan before vhen he first became Sayian Man," E replied. "Zhose muscles are very impressive for a specimen such as himself."

"Okay then, so what did you mean when you had to continue?" Mo asked.

"Yeah, because even I'm confused." Helen said.

"Yes, vords are useless," E replied. "Gobble, gobble, gobble! Zhere's too much of it, darling. Zhat is vhy I show you my vork. Zhis is vhy you are both here!" she then entered the security information and then summoned a microphone. "Edna Mode." she gave her name.

In a flash, the ceiling panel opened up with an enormous gun to shoot down both Mo and Helen, thinking they were trespassers.

"And 'guests'." E then said to call off the weapon.

And where the weapon was soon brought back in the ceiling.

"Um, thank you." Mo said.

E then brought the two women into her testing lab which was a sophisticated work area dedicated to the design, fabrication, and testing of superhero suits.

"Um, a very interesting room." Mo said, awkwardly.

"Come sit," E gestured for them to sit with her as she had coffee. "Cream and sugar?"

Helen shook her head.

"Yes, please." Mo said.

E poured a cup for Mo with cream and sugar and gave her a cup. "I started vith zhe baby-"

"'Started'?" Helen and Mo asked.

"Shh, darlings, shh!" E hissed to them, then sat them down and moved them into a panel to see a small featureless baby mannequin in a tiny red suit with an 'i' insignia like Bob's as it demonstrated how it worked. "I cut it a little roomy for zhe free movement, zhe fabric is comfortable for sensitive skin, and can also vithstand a temperature of over vun thousand degrees, completely bulletproof, and machine vashable, darling, zhat's a new feature."

"What on Earth do you think the baby will be doing?!" Helen asked.

"Vell, I'm sure I don't know, darling," E replied. "Luck favors zhe prepared. I didn't know zhe baby's powers, so I covered the basics-"

"Jack-Jack doesn't have any powers!" Helen told her.

"No? Vell, he'll look fabulous anyvay," E shrugged as she then showed another mannequin which would be for Dash. "Your boy's suit I designed to vithstand enormous friction vithout heating up or vearing out, a useful feature."

"Wow, and I thought no one could keep up with Akito." Mo smiled.

"Your daughter's suit vas tricky," E then introduced a suit for Violet. "But I finally created a sturdy material that vill disappear completely as she does."

"Amazing." Mo smiled.

"Your suit can stretch as far as you can," E then continued to Helen. "Vithout injuring yourself and still retain its shape. Virtually indestructible, yet it breazhes like Egyptian cotton. As an extra feature, each suit contains a homing device, giving you zhe precise global location of the vearer at zhe touch of a button."

"That's handy." Mo had to admit.

"Vell, darling," E asked Helen with a cocky grin. "Vhat do you zhink?"

"What do I think?!" Helen shrieked. "Bob is retired! I'm retired! Our family is underground! You helped my husband resume secret hero work behind my back?!"

"I assume you both knew, darling," E said to both Mo an Helen. "Vhy vould zhey keep secrets from you?"

"They don't." Mo said.

E glanced to the women.

"They didn't... Don't!" Mo and Helen became very defensive of their husbands all of the sudden.

"Men at Robert and Atticus's ages are often unstable," E replied. "Prone to veakness."

"What are you saying?" Mo asked.

"Do you know vhere zhey are?" E asked both women.

"Of course." Mo and Helen replied.

"Do you know vhere zhey are?" E repeated to prove her point, putting much more emphasis.

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