chapter 9

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Meanwhile, Akito was still thinking about Mirage's name and then he saw something blinking a bit in his bag. "What's that?" he then wondered as he put the card in his pocket and knelt by his bag and opened it up to find the source of the blinking.

And where he found a device inside, making him curious of how it got in his bag.

"What's that thing?" he looked around it, wondering what it meant, where it came from, and what it was doing in his bag.

Akito then reached inside and brought out the device, holding the screen to his face. "What is this, some kind of tablet?" he then wondered as the device continued to light up.

And where the screen then showed the words hold still.

"Hold still...?" Akito squinted his eyes.

Suddenly, the device seemed to scan the boy.

"What the heck?!" Akito asked surprised. He then dropped the device as it then started to speak to him, literally.

And where it then scanned the room to see if he was alone.

"I feel like I should get somebody..." Akito said to himself.

Soon Mirage appeared on the screen.

"Umm..." Akito's blue eyes widened.

"Hello, Akito Fudo," the woman greeted. "My name is Mirage. Yes, we know who you are. Rest assured, your secret is safe with us, such as Mr. Incredible's identity and your father's. Actually, we all have something in common, according to the government, neither of us exist. Please pay attention as this message is classified and will not be repeated."

Akito used his magic as he was going to write down what he was going to hear.

"I represent a top-secret division of the Government," Mirage continued. "Designing and testing experimental technology, and we need your abilities-"

"Akito, are you in there?!" Mo called from behind her son's door.

"Uh, yeah, I'm chatting with Emi!" Akito lied.

"Something has happened at our remote testing facility." Mirage's voice continued.

"Well, dinner's ready!" Mo called back.

"I'll be down in a moment!" Akito told her.

"Well, it's time for dinner!" Mo called.

"In a minute, Mom!" Akito bit his lip nervously as he tried to listen to Mirage while copying down what she was saying since he was only going to be told this once.

Mirage continued to tell him more and more information.

"Akito Benjamin Fudo!" Mo called sharply.

"Not now, Mom!" Akito yelled back, then bit her lip. "Aw, man, she is totally gonna get me for that one..."

"Now, you could help us or you could keep waiting for something to happen in your town, you have 24 hours to reply, think about it." Mirage said before the screen turned off.

Akito looked tempted and intrigued by the offer.

'This message will self-destruct.' the device said before starting to destroy itself.

"Oh, no..." Akito said. He then grabbed the device and quickly threw it out the window and luckily, it destructed before it could do any damage to his house. "Phew!"


Akito gasped and rushed outside of his room as his mother started to count.

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