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Sportacus woke up earlier than usual, kissing Stephanie on the forehead before he left the house and into his air ship, he was in a state of pure bliss as he went out on his morning runs, he felt invincible and unable to let in the slightest bit of unhappiness ruin his day.
The early morning was silent and peaceful, the sun just starting to rise above the horizon. "I know that look." Spo stopped once he heard a deep voice beckon him, "Good morning Robbie."
"Good morning Sportapoop, how are you?"
"I'm fantastic."
"I'm sure you are." Robbie chuckled.
"Stop it Robbie, Steph and I didn't-"
"Ah! No don't tell me!"
"Then what are you getting at?"
"I was just messing with you Spo." he laughed offering him the seat next to him. After a few years, Robbie and Sportacus started getting along, maybe it was because of both of them maturing as the years past. Whatever it was, Sportacus was just happy to finally bond with him. "I finally heard the news of Stephanie coming back home."
"You really need to keep up on things around here. she moved in a few days ago."
"Oh, yeah, I know that. I am always the last person to know any type of news here."
"Then why don't you move a little closer to town, Robbie?"
"That place has been my home for so many years, I cant see myself living in" he shivered. Spo laughed at his reaction, "Whatever suits you Robbie."
"You two are actually talking?" Stephanie said approaching the two men.
"Stephanie!" Robbie jumped up to hug her. "I missed you so much."
"I missed you too Robbie." she sat in between the men, sipping her morning coffee.
"You're probably the only person I know that isn't ashamed to go outside in your pajamas." Robbie remarked. Stephanie laughed and shoved him.
"Hey, a new mommy sometimes needs a break in lazy clothes." she giggled.
Robbie's face turned pale for a split second, "You are a mother?"
"Yeah, I have a girl. Her name is Violet. didn't anyone tell you?"
"Any type of news never gets to me."
"Aw, I'm sorry Robbie. Would you like to meet her?" she asked. Robbie nodded and she called for Vivi, "Darling, this is Robbie Rotten."
"Another uncle?" she joked with her mom.
"uhm..." Steph looked at Robbie for an answer and he smiled, "Of course."
"It is very nice to meet you, Uncle Robbie."
"Its very nice to meet you too."
Violet looked at Spo, "Ronan and I wanted to ask you if you wanted to play with us."
"Sure Vivi. I'll be there in a minute."
Violet nodded and ran back to Ronan who was standing with another kid on the playground, "I'm back Ronan. Who is this?"
"This is Athena. Athena, this is Violet. She just moved here from New York."
Athena had her father's dark skin and ginger hair, it tumbled down to curls on her shoulders. She had deep brown eyes and she was rather tall, "Hi Violet. Its nice to meet you."
"Is Uncle Pixel with you?"
"My dad is your uncle?"
Violet shrugged, "That is what my mom told me to call him." Athena smiled and called her dad over, "Daddy!"
"What is it Athena?"
"Violet wanted to meet her uncle."
Pixel looked over at Violet and then it rang a bell in his brain, "Oh! Violet. How are you sweetie?"
"I am fine thank you and yourself?"
"I am doing great. How is your mommy?"
"Good, she's over there with Sportacus." she pointed to the three adults that still sat on the bench.
"Hey there, long time no see!" Pixel came up and hugged Stephanie.
"Did they meet each other yet?"
"Yeah, I met her too, she is lovely."
"Thank you."
"How is Sportacus adjusting to all of this?" Pixel said turning to him. Sportacus laughed.
"There is no adjusting. I've always wanted a child." he gave Pixel a hug, "Welcome home."
"Thank you its good to be home."
Violet, Ronan and Athena sat on the swings. Amelia and Jackson came to them, "Well, if it isn't Athena. Welcome back."
"Its never a good welcome with you two in my sight, what do you two want?"
"Nothing. Cant we just say hello?"
"No, you always have something smart to say."
"And you always have something stupid to say." Jackson retorted. Violet giggled and he looked at her with mean eyes, "What are you laughing at."
"Its just amazing, all of this time I thought you were mute. You hardly say a thing."
"Shut up you purple monster!"
Violet laughed again, "Your insults are so elementary my friend. Call me when you have something that is actually creative enough to make me cry."
"You want to cry?" Amelia came up and slapped Violet on her cheek. Violet was surprised, she never expected such a thing. She looked at her and huffed, "Don't ever touch me again!" enraged, Violet jumped on Amelia and both of them started to fight.
Athena and Ronan tried pulling her off of Amelia but nothing worked. Sportacus heard the commotion and ran towards the kids who were rolling about on the ground, "Hey hey! Stop this right now!" He pulled Violet off of her and the rest of the adults followed seeing the display.
"What on earth is this all about?" He asked the kids. The group was silent, "Well?"
"Jackson and Amelia came over to us to start trouble." Ronan blurted. He didn't want to tattle but he looked at Violet's face and the words escaped his mouth.
"Why was Violet on top of Amelia?"
"Amelia hit her." Ronan answered.
Sportacus turned to Violet who had a bit of a bloody nose from the fight, "Is this true?" Violet merely nodded. Sportacus looked at the other two kids, "Apologize to Violet this instant."
The two of them looked at each other, Amelia only had a little bit of cuts and bruises, "Sorry." she said in a sassy tone.
"Yeah, sorry." Jackson muttered.
Sportacus knelt down and looked at Violet in the eyes, "Now can you apologize for reacting with violence?" Her eyes went wide, her? Apologize?
"I was defending myself, Sportacus."
"I know you were. Please just do it."
Violet sighed and looked at the two snobs before her, "Okay. I'm sorry that you're mean and conceited. That you have to resort to hitting me to show me that you don't like me!" She ran back home with Stephanie following after her.
"Okay. I think we're done here for now." Sportacus rubbed the back of his head in frustration. Pixel took the kids home and Sportacus knocked on Stephanie's door.
"What do you want?" She opened the door and greeted him coldly.
"Is she okay?" he asked.
"She has a bloody nose and her hero tried making her apologize for defending herself. No, she's not okay."
"What was I supposed to do? She reacted with violence. I did the same thing to you when you were younger."
"Its not the old times anymore Sportacus. We lived in New York for eight years, I taught her how to stand up for herself. So if you're going to make anyone apologize then-"
"I'm sorry!" he blurted. "I was wrong for doing that to her. This is Lazy Town, you know more than anyone that we don't do that here."
"I know. Let's just forget about it. You have a sobbing daughter upstairs you need to console."
He nodded and climbed up the stairs and knocked on her door, "Go away." she said. Sportacus came in and saw Violet's face in her pillow, "Hey there."
She looked up from her pillow and narrowed her eyes seeing who it was, "What do you want?"
"Can I talk to you for a second?"
She laid there silent, ignoring him. He sat down on the floor next to her bed, waiting for her to look up at him again. Once she did, he made a face at her. Violet hid her face back in her pillow again, hiding the smile.
"Oh, Violet." he chided.
"What?" she said trying to sound angry.
"Please don't be mad at me."
"You tried making me apologize."
"I know. The reason why is because I am used to getting the kids to apologize to each other when something bad happens. Your mommy told me that you were taught a little different."
Violet nodded. "Maybe I shouldn't have lost control like I did."
"The best of us do that sometimes." Sportacus opened his arms for a hug and she stood up to embrace him. "Lets take a look at that nose, slugger." He examined her nose. "Its not broken. Just a bit drippy, come on lets get you cleaned up."
Both of them came down the stairs into the kitchen where Stephanie was making smoothies, she handed him a rag and he wiped her nose off, "There, good as new."
"Is that what I think it is?" Violet asked seeing her mom pour a yellow smoothie into a mug, giving it to her.
"Yep. A sunshine mango smoothie."
"Ooh. That sounds good." Spo said. Steph handed him a glass. He sipped it and his face lit up, "mmm, so good."
"Lets sit in the living room you two." all three of them plopped on the couch, "Violet, love. Go pick out a movie."
She stood and popped in her favorite movie, "What are we watching, Violet?"
"You'll see."
"Oh, I see. it's the Lorax isn't it?"
"How did you know?"
"You always pick that movie, silly Vivi."
The lights were turned off and Violet sat in between Steph and her father.

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