i dont understand

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I sit here and listen to you cry and moan and complain about him. I take it and I comfort you, I tell you it's going to be okay but you should probably stop calling him your best friend. You tell me you'll never forgive him for this and you'll never trust him again but why do I have to find out from other people that you're sleeping over his tonight? You say you love him and when I ask you about what you said, you just brush it off. I don't understand why you keep doing this. I know I've never met him and I know I probably never will but I don't understand why you worship him so much. You tell people their relationships are toxic and should end but when will you realise which of yours are toxic? When will you realise which of yours need to end? But the thing is, I can't be mean or unkind... I will always be there for you and your problems because I am your friend. That's what friends are for right? But I want to know, where are you when I need you most, when I need someone to take care of me as I did for you, when all I need is a shoulder to cry on? I've been saying I don't understand all these things and words but what I really truly do not understand is you and why you treat me like shit? Next time you need me, I will be there but I'm going to need you to help me out and carry a bit more of the weight of this two sided friendship because right now it feels like I'm on my own in this.

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