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I am not scared of death.

I am scared of leaving unfinished business.

When death finally takes me, I don't want to feel as though I haven't accomplished all that I wanted to.

I want to be happy with those who surround me and with all that I have achieved.

I don't want to feel regret.

When I leave this world, I don't want a single soul to rejoice that I am gone but to rejoice that I have lived.

I want to be remembered, not by the world, but by those who loved me.

I don't want people to sit around for days mourning me but I don't want them to never grieve or take time.

When I go, take time and think about the good and the bad but never forget to live your life, like I lived mine.  

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2018 ⏰

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