am I wrong or am I 'right'?

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Where do I start? The people? The teachers? The work? The stress?

If I'm being brutally honest, I don't mind school. Sometimes, I even enjoy it but the reason for that is never the work or my emotional state. The thing that really pisses me off is the fact that some people need to leave lessons for short amounts of time but the teacher doesn't or wont understand unless they can SEE why. Recently I've had to leave a few of my lessons for ten or so minutes and the teacher wants to know why. And okay, that's fine but when I ask to tell them outside because I don't want everyone to know I'm on the verge of what feels like death, they seem to think its okay to say 'we're all friends here, aren't we?'. I'm like yes I know all these people but do I really want them knowing? Do I really want you knowing? No. No I don't want to have to explain to anyone but I understand that teachers need to know.

Sometimes I'm tempted to train as a teacher just so I can do the opposite of all the things I hated they did when I was young. I can't fill up my water bottle? It's my human right to have a drink, technically they can't stop us... I can't go to the toilet? Unless you want me to pee all over your chair, I suggest you let me go. Even better if you are on your period and need to change your sanitary item; tell them you don't want to stain their chair and neither do they so it's in their best interest to let you.

My parents have always told me off for talking back to a teacher but when I think somethings not right, I'm not going to sit there and put up with it. They tell me to not be so rude but my dad always tells me to 'not put up with any shit'. He also says 'if you don't like something, always complain'. So, I don't know if at school that doesn't apply but if a teacher asks me to do something I will unless its genuinely stupid. For example, I was late to my lesson one day because I had just been in the medical room. I got to the lesson and began to explain why I was fifteen minutes late. I barely got half my sentence out before I was told I had wasted valuable lesson time so I need to stand outside for a further five minutes. I just stood there in shock. I didn't care about being 'told off', but the fact that she was complaining that I missed some of the lesson but her way to fix it was for me to miss MORE of the lesson...

I just can't comprehend the way that some peoples minds work. I baffles me. I will rise up if I ever have the chance. I will not be pushed down especially by a male teacher laughing at me for getting my period in the middle of class. I will not.  

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