The Depressing Past, and Present

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* No one's P.O.V. * ((This is my first book. The beginning sucks and I had to make it kid friendly on a shorts notice so there's that. The end and middle is where it gets gud))

You put your f/c bag in the trunk of your older brother's car. You call for your brother Marcus.

''Marcus! Hurry Uppppp! I wanna see our new house!!!!!'' You yell in excitment.

''Can a 28 year old guy take his time?'' He asks sarcasticly.

''Lemme think, '' You giggle, ''..No!'' Macus laughs and puts his bag in the car. You stare at him waiting for him in the middle seat. You giggle at your evil plan. He sits in the front seat and shrieks. ''AHHH!!'' He yells, feeling sticky stuff in his seat. While he was inside, you had put frosting in his seat.

You jump over the seat and hug him, you both laugh. Both of your laughter gets inturruped by a loud BANG. He tells you to stay in the car and he gets out. You hear another bang and see Marcus fall to the ground. ''MARCUS!!!!"" You scream as tears form in your eyes. You hop out the car and run to your dear brother on the floor.

The two guys that are dressed the same who had shot Marcus is already gone, to leave you crying over your bleeding brother. You put your head on Marcus and cry.

''Y/N , I need you to do me a favor..'' Marcus whimpers.

''W-w-what?'' You ask as tears stream from your eyes like a flowing river.

''Remember what I told you on the first day of school, if someone hurts you, say 'I will punch you!' and if they continue, punch them. I want you to never keep your guard down. Don't let your ego grow though.'' He chuckles to himself closing his damp eyes. You scream and cry on his dead, lifeless body.

- Depressing Time skip from the popo ( police ) -

* Y/N P.O.V. *

The police arrived and I'm sitting in an ambulance with a blanket around my shoulders trying to talk to them without crying. Too late, tears come down my face and my visions blury. I feel a female police hug me, and I cry on her shoulder. I manage to stop crying as hard as I just was. I tell them exactly what the shooter looked like, what had happened, and what it was all like. The officer talks to another leaving me crying, alone while random police people carry my brother.

- Sad Time skip - (Six Months Later)

* Y/N P.O.V. *

I sit in my bed, clutching my stuffed bear with a missing button eye. My best friend named Carter, she starts to draws me, as she draws, I am feeling the pose. Carter is nine, and I'm still six. She draws very talented and she likes drawing sad pictures. She uses me as a modle, but still I'm her bestie.

''One. Last.Part...There! The picture is victorious!'' She says in happily. Even though I have no idea what victorious means, I take it in a good way and we hug each other. I glance at the artwork and my jaw drops.

''Wow, this is sooooooo good! You have to teach me your ways, Carter!'' I yell, now staring at the art.

''One, It isn't jaw-dropping-good, Two, Sure I'll teach you, Three, I like your bear.'' Carter anwsers, she grins at me and hugs me tighter.

''If I explode from this warm hug, I blame you.'' I say laughing.

''Oopsie! I is very sorry!'' She apologises using wierd grammar just for fun, as always. We laugh, but suddenly the door flies open. I see Ms. Bee with a smile.

''Carter! Guess what!!'' Ms. Bee anounces with a joyful smile. Ms. Bee is like a child herself. She's our best friend, she is immiture and she is legitness. She sits in between us and smiles so much.

''Ms. Be-'' I try to say.

''OMG CARTER YOU JUST GOT ADOPTED BY THE NICEST COUPLE EVERRRR'' Ms. Bee yells in excitment. Carter's eyes widen, but I'm left confused.

''W-what does that mean?'' I ask nervously.

''It means she gets to go to a home and has a family!'' Ms.Bee says grinning. My mouth is opened wide, and I start to tear up. Carter hugs me and starts to pack up, I'm frozen in place, not able to move from my place.

* Carter's P.O.V.*

I start to pack up after being told I have to be seperated from Y/N . I hear her crying and I start to cry a little, too. Ms. Bee realizes that we all have to seperate and a wave of sadness comes over her. She knows that Y/N is crying the most, and conforts her. I'm already done packing when Y/N is crying real hard. I hug her for a while as she cries on my shoulder.

''It'll be fine..'' I say, trying to confort her, but she cries more.

'' No, no, no! It won't! You'll be gone, and and and, and I won't see you! And we won't be friends!'' Y/N cries on my shouler. I pull away from the hug, and stare in her eyes.

''It will be,'' I sigh, ''It will be okay, just, don't think about it.'' I say as I wipe her tears. I smile as Ms. Bee takes me out of my room and to my new parents.

Finally! I finished this juicy, long, retarded chapter. If I have spelling errors, or if you have ideas. Comment it, and please no negitive statements. Thanks so much for reading and I'll see y'all later, BYE!!

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