Learning And Training

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Hey guys! I'm gonna skip the introduction

* * Y/n P.O.V. * *

I opened my eyes, and I couldn't see anything. I blinked a couple more times, and I realised I was in the dark. I stood up, and tried to feel my way out. I felt a bar, and another. Then it hit me, I'm in a cage!

''T-Tord?!'' I yelled, tears forming in my eyes.

''Tord!!!!'' I screamed, now crying.

I heard shifting around the room and I turned in the direction of it. I kept hearing things like whispering, moving, and laughing. It was terrifying. I was about to call for Tord, but then cage door opened up. Then the lights turned on.

''Tord!'' I yelled, hugging him.

''Hey, Y/n..'' Tord said laughing.
''Boys move out.'' Tord said, and with that, a bunch of dudes left the room.

''Tord..what's happening...?'' I ask, tears forming in my eyes again.

''Take my hand, and I'll explain everything, but first we have to go to my office..''Tord said, trailing off looking for something.
''Close your eyes.'' Tord grinned. I did as told.

I felt a sharp feeling in my arm, and I open my eyes. Tord stuck a needle in me! I felt a wave of fatigue cover me. I almost fell asleep on the spot! But I have to stay strong...but c-can I..?

''Y/n, close your eyes, go to sleep..'' Tord said, with a gentle smile.

With those words, I did as told.

* * Time Skip Already * *

When I woke up, I was in Tord's office. Again, he was sitting at his desk, filling out some papers. I looked around the room, and nothing really changed. I groaned, because I had another headache. Tord looked up at me.

''Are you ready?'' He asked, his smile fading.

''Ready for what...?'' I ask, groaned again because the headache.

''For me to tell you what is happening.'' Tord says, putting his pen down. I nod, in response.
''Well, here's what happened, you were in the science lab, and you spilled a type of serum on you. Blah blah, you know that. The serum is actually a monster serum. It can turn someone to a monster. To be fully monster, you would basically look like this; '' Tord paused, to show me a picture of a monster (Full Monster Tom). ''To be half monster, you would have horns on your head, a dinosaur looking tail, and ears. So yeah, you won't be able to control it just yet, because this all just happened. But, I can train you, and show you how to control your new monster powers. By powers, I mean super speed, super strength, and stuff like that.'' Tord said, sighing a bit.

''W-what?!'' I scream at him.

''Y-Y/n, calm down. you'll tur-'' Tord attempts to talk.

''No! You just changed my whole life! Why are you even a leader?! You can't even make sue I'm okay!!'' I scream closing my eyes.

I open my eyes and look at myself. I have a f/c tail! A-and f/c with s/f/c ears and horns! Tord is speechless! I grew some taller, and my hands are monster hands! So are my feet!

''T-Tord!! W-what's happening?!?!'' I scream, starting to panic.

''Y/n. Like I said. Close you eyes. Breath in and out. And calm down.'' Tord says, in a firm voice.

I do as told. I close my eyes. And I'm trying to calm my breathing down. after some moments, I feel like iI'm shrinking, and I feel my body go back to normal. When I open my eyes, Tord is tilting his head, with a gentle smile.

''You learned..'' He said, still smiling.

''T-Tord, can i-I ask questions about this..?'' I ask, scared of my own self.

''Yeah, ask away.'' He says.

''Will I be like this forever?'' I ask, afraid of the awnser.

''Yes, but over time, you will learn how to control it. And it will help you, in life.'' Tord says, smiling at the thought.

''C-Can we go home?'' I ask.

''Yes, but not now. we have to teach you to control it. So the others won't find out. Or at least won't find out now.'' Tord says. I nod.
''Do you want to start training right now?''

''Do I have a choice?'' I ask.

''Well, yeah.'' Tord says, smiling.

''Okay, I'm ready.'' I say, grinning.

''Let's go, then.'' Tord says, smirking.

* * Another Time Skip * * ;D

Once I'm finally able to see where I'm gonna be training first, I see it's the...track? Why am I gonna be training at the track?

''Uhm..Tord. Why are we here?'' I ask.

''Well, I want you to turn into your half monster form, and run as fast as you can.'' Tord says, chuckling.

''And why do you have a checkboard?'' I ask.

''Well, I need to write down your time.'' Tord says, laughing again. I nod in response.

''Okay, close your eyes, and try your hardest to turn into your half monster form.'' Tord says, now being serious.

I nod and close my eyes. I picture myself in the dark. And how that angered me. I feel like I'm growing now. I think of how Aaron punched Cameron, that angers me more, I feel my horns growing. I think of how Edd grounded me, making me upset. I feel my ears grow. I picture my nightmare again. How everyone thought I betrayed them. That makes my tail grow. I open my eyes, and Tord's grinning.

''Good job.'' Is all what he says.
''Okay, when I say 'Go' I want you to run around the track five times, as fast as you can.'' Tord says.

''Okay.'' I say, getting ready to run.

''...Go!'' tord says.

With that word, I start running as fast as I can. I feel the wind slap my face, but that doesn't stop me. It only makes me run faster. I keep running, counting in my head how many times I'm going. I stop right at five. I look at Tord and his jaw drops. I'm only a little out of breath.

''How long was that?'' I ask, grinning.

''T-that was fifty seconds...exactly..'' He says, still staring at me.

''Woah.''I say, grinning more.

Tord shakes his head and looks at me. ''Next course!'' He grins.

Well guys, I hope you enjoyed. The next couple of chapter will be filled with drama. More than this one. I'm sorry I didn't publish earlier, I had stuff to do. Anyways, Thanks So Much For Reading And I'll See Y'all Later, Bye!

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