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[Warning: OOC Yui, I don't personally hate her, I just want some antagonist but didn't want to make one]

(Shiro's p.o.v)

I am riding a taxi with my step-sister Yui, I was bored so I plugged in my earphones and listened to classical music while playing with my white hair

I then felt Yui glaring at me, I turned my music off and looked at her "Yes, what is it Yui?"

"Tsk! Why did father made you come with me, I am capable of taking care of myself you know"

I narrowed my eyes at her but before I said anything, the taxi stopped

"We have arrived at your destination Madam's" The driver said

Yui hurriedly went out ,grabbed her luggage and ran to the mansion, I sighed, I payed the taxi, grab my luggage and walked to the mansion

It was just a little rain, why did she need to run? Is she worried her 'perfect' hair might get ruined

I arrived at the front door, it seems she went inside already, I knocked on the door and waited for someone, but I heard a shout from inside and I walked in

I went in the room where I heard the scream and saw a man pinning Yui down, I then felt a presence near me and saw a man with glasses

"Ayato, take this activies to your room" He asked

Yui then ran to the man with glasses "Please help me!"

The man with glasses narrowed his eyes at us "And who are this women?"

"Tsk! I don't know pancake never told me anything, even about that cupcake besides you!" Ayato said

"That's because yo- wait...pancake?" Yui asked

"Yeah, you're as flat as a pancake, and the other woman is actually bigger but cupcake suits her best" Ayato said

"Enough, we shall discuss this in the living room, follow me, and take their belongings" The man with glasses said

Then a man came out of nowhere and grab our luggages, we followed the man with glasses and arrived at the living room

Yui sat at the couch in the middle of the room while I sat at the one at the back

"Now, tell me why you are here" The man with glasses said, and just as Yui was about to speak, she was cut off by a chuckle

A man with a fedora came "fu~fu~ we have two ladies in the living room" he said then dissapeared but reapeared besides Yui then licking her cheek

"Oh~ so sweet~" He said then a man with a teddy bear came and licked her too

"What's with all the noise?!" We heard and saw a man with white hair

"How did you get here?" Yui stupidly asked

"My question first!" He said and punched the wall

wow so much power

Yui freaked out, then I felt pressure on my lap, I looked down to see a man with earphones

I combed his hair with my hand, he seemed to like it as he hugged my waist then spoke "maybe their the women he sent"

They all looked at us

"Oy! Be specific" Ayato said

"My gosh~ we forgot dolly is here~" the man with the fedora said

The man on my lap sighed "He told me girls from the church were coming and not to kill the blond one"

"Oh, so sacrificial brides" The man with the teddy bear said

"What? I never heard of that, I'm going to contact my father" Yui said pulling her phone out but Ayato grabbed it "hey, give it back!"

He turned to me and asked "Should I?"

I smirked "Break it"

His smirk got bigger then the man with white hair grabbed it and crushed it with his hands

"It seems there are no misunderstandings so let's introduce ourselves" the man with glasses said

(Time skip after their introduction, it was now time for ours)

I gently lifted Shu's head and placed it at a pillow and stood up "I am Shiro Komori, I am that woman's step sister" I said pointing at Yui then continued "I deeply apologize for barging in your house, I also apologize for her behavior, she is stupid as you may have noticed and-"

"Hey!" Yui shouted

"And doesn't have manners" I finished

"I accept your apology but as for you, you need to be lectured" Reiji said pointing at Yui

"I don't get this, I'm leaving, that step-sister can stay if she want" Yui said then suddenly tripped on air then miraculously got a bruise

The brothers eyes glowed red, and Yui pulled out a cross once she finally realized they're vampires

I sighed "Yui, stuff like that isn't true"

"Miss Shiro is right, you actually belive in those, you really are stupid" Reiji said

Yui then ran away, the triplets dissapeared to follow her while I stayed behind

"You're not going to run?" Subaru asked

I shook my head

"At least someone's not an idiot" Shu said

I lifted Shu's head, sat back at the couch and placed his head on my lap, I then resumed combing his hair as he resumed to hug my waist, the other two were staring at us

"Would you guys want one too?" I asked

"Tsk! Screw that! Aren't you afraid?" Subaru asked

I shook my head "try me" I revealed my neck

They all stared shock, Subaru 'tsk' and went away, Shu slept, and Reiji froze but after a while offered to take me to my room

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