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(Shiro's p.o.v)

Subaru and Ayato stood up and went near me protectively "What are you doing here pancake?" Ayato asked

"Eh? I smelled food so I thought Reiji was cooking breakfast, but it seems it's her...I think I can hold my hungry stomach for later, I don't want to eat food made by that freak" Yui said

"Who are you calling freak?! She's not a freak " Subaru said

"Yes! Yes she is! She did bad things for bad people!" Yui said

I frowned"....that was in the past remember... I don't do it anymore"I said while finishing breakfast

"But you're not forgiven! You're a sinful person!" Yui said then stormed off outside

I placed Subaru's and Ayato's breakfast infront of then "um... here.. breakfast is served"

Ayato and Subaru looked at me with concern, Ayato stood up and placed a hand on my shoulder "Don't worry cupcake! We did worse things! You're not a freak!"

Subaru nodded " and if you are then that makes you one of us"

I smiled and hugged Ayato "thank you" I pulled back "now eat before it gets cold"

They nodded and started eating, after a while the others joined in and was delighted that I cooked

(Time skip)

Tonight is a full moon, Subaru gave me a knife but I don't think I'll use it, I also assured him that I don't want to leave

I went back to my room and saw someone lying on my bed with the blanket over him or her

I went near it and grabbed the blanket then pulled it of it, then it revealed a blond man "hello! Usagi-chan~ you will come with me!"

As he said this he grabbed me, he stand next to my window, knowing what will happen next I shouted "HELP! M-" My mouth was covered by the man

(3rd person p.o.v)

The brothers were all in random places in the house just minding their own bussiness, then they heard Shiro shout "HELP! M-"

Hearing that all the brothers teleported to her room only to find it empty, the blanket on the floor, and the windows wide open


Subaru had punched the wall, Ayato was cursing under his breath, Laito looked shock, Kanato looked sad, Reiji and Shu kept calm

"Subaru, enough of that, you ,Laito and Ayato will go out and try to track her down, Kanato and Shu search in the mansion if there's any evidence left, while I do my own search" Reiji said, they all nodded and did as they were told

Shiro....we'll find you they all thought

....meanwhile, Yui saw everything that happened, she smirked and muttered under her breath "finally! The freak is gone! I'll have all their attentions now"

Someone grabbed her shoulder, "oh really?..." she turned around "Ye-" she then saw all the brothers standing behind her with Ayato holding her shoulder

"You'll have our attention all right, in the dungeon that is" Subaru said

"Better get ready for more punishments!" Kanato said

"How dare you call dolly a freak again!" Laito said

"You just can't shut your mouth can you" Shu said

"Stupid mortal! You will pay for what you said to my lady" Reiji said

Yui backed away she attempted to run but forgot Ayato was holding hee shoulder and fell down "Nooo....!!!!!"

(Shiro's p.o.v)

After shouting I stayed quite, not like anyone would here me at the speed we're going, this guy introdued himself as Kou, he's now carrying me bridal style with inhuman speed towards his home

"Usagi-chan you're a good girl, you're keeping quite and not struggling" Kou said

"Because there's no point, anyway why do you want me?"

"We need an eve, we saw two mortal women in the sakamaki's, the other one is an M-type, rude, disrespectful, and complains to much, while the other one is you, nice, understanding, well-mannered, and doesn't complain, we think the mneko-chan is a much better fit but we think that we also won't stand her attitude so we settled for you usagi-chan" Kou explained

"I see, and why did you choose to run and not teleport?" I asked

"Because that way I can have more time with usagi" he said

We then arrived at his home, he still didn't put me down and walked in, inside there are 3 people

"Hello Shiro I assume Kou already told you why you are here, so let us introduce ourselves, I am Ruki" he said then pointed to a tall man

"He is Yuma"

Then he pointed at a man with bandages "And he is Azusa, we are the Mukami's, nice to meet you"

"I am Shiro Komori, Nice to meet yoy as well, I hope I'll be no bother" I said as Kou put me down "thank you" I told him and he hugged me

"Usagi-chan is so cute~" he said, I returned the hug

"So is Kou" I said, he blushed

Ruki spoke "all right let's eat dinner, everyone at the dining room"

We nodded and followed him

(Time skip)

I sat next to Azusa

"Kou! Don't get all! Leave some for us!" Yuma said

As they fight over tempura I kept eating, then I saw Azusa's plate, he hasn't touch much

I grabbed a tempura and placed ot in his plate "Azusa, please eat"

The other two stopped fighting,"she's right Azusa, you should eat" Yuma said

"....fine..." Azusa said

Then Ruki came in and placed more tempura "hurry and eat, we will leave for school in 5 minutes"

"Ruki, Am I to come as well?" I asked

"No....You'll be staying with Azusa"

Shiro: Yui's Step-sisterWhere stories live. Discover now