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(3rd person p.o.v) (Sakamaki Mansion)

"Hey! We're going to be late! Hurry up! Is it that hard to make yourself look the usual look you have!?" Kanato yelled at Yui

"I'm sorry, I'm just combing my hair" Yui said trying so hard to look pretty

"You took 30 minutes to comb your hair!?" Kanato yelled again

"Well I needed to wear my uniform as well.." Yui said

".....we told you to get ready at 5 pm, we leave at 7 pm, are you seriously telling me that you took 3 hours to wear that?!"

"N-no... I just g-got started getting ready on...7" Yui said, that was the last straw for Kanato

Kanato dragged Yui by the hair to the limo

"Ouch! It hurts! Please stop!" Yui said

"Shut up! It's 7:30 now, thanks to your hair we got delayed!"

"7:30 is too early anyway! School starts at 8:30!"

"Reiji requires us to be early! And are you that much of an idiot! We have different schedules! Some are already starting at 8! I'm going to get scolded because of you!" They arrived at the limo and Kanato threw Yui in

"Argh!" Yui got her uniform dirty and her hair is a mess

Kanato sat next to Reiji and Yui sat next to Ayato

"Kanato, why so late?" Reiji asked

"This stupid mortal took 30 minutes to comb her hair! I had to drag her out!" He clutched onto teddy tighter

" *sigh* punishments are in need later, for now, that embarrasing look will sufice" Reiji said

(At school)

"So we're in the same class?" Kou asked

They were the first ones to arrive, so it's just them

"Yes" Shiro said

"Then I'll sit in front of you" he then pushed his head back "massage my head "

Shiro massaged it for him, and fearing his neck might ache she also massaged it

"Man Reiji can be so demanding sometim-" They turned and saw Laito "Dolly...."

Shiro stopped massaging Kou and they both stood up "nice to see you again, Laito"

"..Dolly...it's you" Laito ran up to her and gave her a big bear hug "Oh I miss you so much!"

Shiro smiled "thank you, I missed you and the others as well"

Laito held her shoulders "What happened? Where have you been? Did someone hurt you? Did someone order you?"

"She has been kidnapped by the me" Kou answered

Laito was about to punch him but Shiro stopped him "Laito they didn't do anything to me, actually it felt like a vacation away from Yui"

"Really?...." he asked

"Yes, please don't hurt anybody" Shiro pleaded

Laito nodded "so thanks for her vacation.... we'll take her back"

"Huh?! No you don't! We're keeping her!" Kou said

"Oh no you're not! You kidnapped her!" Laito said

"She enjoyed it! And we didn't treat her like a prisoner!" Kou said

"I don't care! We want her back!" Laito said

"No! She's staying!" Kou said

"Hmph!" Laito pulled out his phone and messaged someone, Kou got what he was doing and got his phone out as well

Some students heard shouting and piled up outside the door to see what's happening, the others ditched class while the others are suppose to have class in that classroom but they're too afraid to enter, same goes for teachers

After a few seconds, the rest of the Mukami and Sakamaki brothers arrived, it seems all of them ditched class just for this argument

Because of the arrival of the brothers, some fangirls screamed to get there attention but they were to focused on the matter at hand

"Cupcake/Shiro/My lady!" The other Sakamaki brothers said and smiled at seeing her

"Nice to see you again everyone" Shiro said but after that they instantly went back to topic and ignored her

"Cupcake will be back in our home!" Ayato said

"No! Bunny is staying with us!" Yuma said

"My lady is ours! She's our sacrificial bride!" Reiji said

"And we got her out of that! She must not like it anyway!" Ruki said

"Shut up! She's coming back and that's final!" Subaru said

"No..way..." Azusa said

"She will come back" Shu said

They kept bickering and didn't notice that Shiro has already left the classroom to the schools garden, she sat at one of the benches, to be treated like an object again, and to forget her feelings, it's been a long time since she last experienced that, she's wondering if it was even a right choice to listen to Ruki about considering her own feeling, cause now, she felt more hurt than she should be and to think all of them said they genuienly cared for her

Just then someone came "Yui?" Shiro noticed her....appearance

"Tsk! Why did you came back!? Did you know I got punished because of you!? I lost a lot of blood!" Yui said

"I was kidnapped, and you were probably the reason they punished you anyway" Shiro said

"Why yo-!?" Yui got cut off by a man

"Excuse me, may I ask a question?" A man said but narrowed his eyes to Yui's...appearance

They turned to look at him, Shiro stood up and widened her eyes, while Yui put up a face "oh yes sir"

"Thanks, where is the Sakamaki's and Mukami's?" He asked, he only seemed to notice Yui as she was standin and making a fuss earlier with a loud voice while Shiro sit still and quite

"Um I think they are in class right now, they have different classrooms and some wander around, so I can't tell where, and I don't know the Mukami's" Yui said faking a smile

He thanked her and was about to leave when Shiro ran up to him and hugged him "K-karlheinz!"

Shiro: Yui's Step-sisterWhere stories live. Discover now