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The 4 eavesdroppers sweatdropped at the sight of Karl towering over them "so how much did you hear?"

The others came up to them after hearing the commotion

"Well... about marrying one of us?" Ayato asked unsure if that was really the thing he heard

"Marry!?!?!" The others said

Karl sighed and directed Shiro to go inside, she nodded and followed him, so did the others "Alright, this is supposed to be private but I guess since the 4 idiots already know... I guess it's fair if everyone does"

The other waited in anticipation as Karl gets ready to say "I want her to marry one of you to become the new queen"

"Really?!" They said in excitement

"Yes really now if you would give her some ti-" Karl was cut off by an annoying noise made by an annoying person

"OMG Is this all for me!?" Yui was at the door squeling like a fangirl, she glance at the decorations and assumed it was for her "and I heard what you just talked about.... I didn't know that you all like me THAT much, And I'll be happy to say I don't need time cause I choose everyone!"

Yui waited for them to rejoice and Shiro to look rejected, but all she saw was Shiro looking confused of her actions, and Karl, and the brothers getting angry......AGAIN

"You Son of a bitch! Can't we kill her!?" Subaru said

"Killing her won't do! Let's torture her!" Shin suggested

"No I think we should kill her!" Kino said

"Eh?! Why would you kill your wife?!" Yui yelled

"Wife my ass! Shiro was the one we were talking about!" Yuma shouted

"What!? That FREAK again?! I'm a million times better than her!" Yui boasted

"More like the opposite" Carla said

"You're a million times worst!" Reiji said

"What should we do to her?!" Kanato asked Karl

They all turned to Karl for answers and waited in anticipation like Yui "Shiro what do you think?"

Now they all turned to Shiro for answers, they waited, she smiled and said "we could sell her"

"Sell her huh?" Karl said "oh! I have a friend who likes tormenting young women, we could sell her to him, we'd be able to make money and lose her"

"Great idea" Shu said, the others nodded in agreement

"HEY! NO WAY AM I BEING SOLD!" Yui defended

"You don't have a say in this" Karl said

"Yes I do! And I say I stay!" Yui shouted at Karl.....at KARL

The brothers froze as they felt Karl's murderous aura, they step back with Shiro while Yui kept idiotically complaining, Karl stood up and made her way to Yui

"-and you know what, I'm not going to do what you say!" Yui finished, then she flinch now aware of the murderous aura in the air, and the fact that Karl was literally infront of her, he glared at her with his piercing red eyes, and sickening smiled

"You will not DEFY ME! You will DO what I tell you to! I have just about enough of your attitude! Anymore of that and I'll feed you to the dogs alive!"

"Y-yes sir!"

"Guards!" Karl called, the guards flinched and instantly made there way to him


"Take that good for nothing woman to the dungeon, make sure she stays there until I've sold her! If she got out, or made a ruckus..... you will be punished along with her!" Karl said

"Y-yes Sir! We'll do our best to make her shut up!" The guards said

Karl went back to normal and said "Good, now run along now"

The guards pulled Yui by the hair and placed a cloth in her mouth so she wouldn't make a sound, the moment the door close, they sighed in relief

No more Yui [Author: YES! FINALLY!]

*cough cough* they turned there attention back to Karl "Shiro, since you did have a lot of time thanks to that mortal, can I ask of your desicion?"

Shiro smiled "Yes. I choose......"


Shiro: Yui's Step-sisterWhere stories live. Discover now