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(Midnight)(3rd person p.o.v)

"Have you told the others?" Karl asked Carla

"Yes. They were surprised, I've also told Shin and he already knew we were planning something like that" Carla said

"Good. He'll be making sure everything goes according to plan, call Reiji and Ruki to tell them to prepare the others, we will be starting the plan at dawn" Karl said

"Yes. Father, I'll take my leave and tell Shin" Carla bowed to Karl and went to Shin

(Sakamaki Mansion)

"Dammit! Why didn't Father told us earlier!" Subaru said as he was running around the place

"Quite down. I'm irritated too, I have to prepare instead of sleep, if he told us sooner I'd be done an hour after he said it" Shu said as he was looking for something

"Ayato! Don't touch it!" Kanato yelled, he was making something

"Argh! Fine. I'll go back to keeping watch over pancake" Ayato said

"Hey! I got a call from Carla! He said to prepare! We'll start the plan at dawn!" Reiji shouted running to the living room

"What!?" The others yelled

"That's so early!" Ayato yelled

"It's an important day! Just deal with it!" Subaru said

(Mukami Mansion)

Unlike the Sakamaki's, they were more chill

"I got a call from Carla, he said to prepare, we'll start at dawn" Ruki announced

"Ok" they said

"I wonder how the others are doing?" Kou asked

"Probably panicking" Yuma said

"We.. were just early.. because.. Kou.. has connections.." Azusa said

"Hihihi, should we go to the Sakamaki's and help them?" Kou asked

"Yes. I'm sure they might forget about Yui" Ruki said

(Sakamaki Mansion)

"Hey what are you guys doing?" Yui asked

"Shut up! We have no time to deal with you!" Subaru said

Yui flinched "I was just asking"

"You said that the last time! Now scram!" Kanato pushed her

Yui fell down "kyaaa!"

The others continued what they were doing, while ignoring Yui, Yui on the otherhand is peaking to see what they were all doing and got an idea

"Oh My Gosh! Are you guys planning t-!" Her mouth was shut with Reiji's hand

"Utter another word and you won't see the light of day" Reiji threatened

(Karlheinz's Mansion) (timeskip at dawn)

Shin sneeked in Shiro's room, he saw Shiro still sound asleep, he slowly sat next to her not wanting to wake her up so suddenly, he carresed her cheeks "hey... Shiro...wake up"

"...." she didn't reply and was still asleep

He was impatient "if you don't wake up, I'll kiss you"

"...." still no reply

He leaned down and kiss her lips, since it was a bit hard to breathe, Shiro slowly opened her eyes, only to find her being kissed by Shin, she didn't push him away, but she placed her hands on his shoulder indicating she was awake, he pulled back "goodmorning Shiro"

"Goodmorning Shin, but why did you kiss me?" She asked

"Haha, never mind that, get dressed! We're going out" he said

"Eh? Where? Just the two of us?" She asked

"It's a secret, and yes. It will be only us!" He said

"But does Father know?" She asked

"Yep! He agreed! Now come on!" Shin carried her out but not before grabbing a few clothes on the way, he ran to the limo and set her down "go change! I won't look! Promise!" He covered his eyes

She was hesitant but did it anyway, she changed as fast as she could "done"

"Ok! Driver! To the Forest!" Shin said as the driver quickly drove off

"Why?" Shiro asked

"Um... it's a surprise!" Shin said

Shiro was still reluctant but nodded anyway, there was no bussiness in the forest whatsoever, she can't help but feel slightly nervous

"Sir, Ma'am, we have arrived" The driver said

They both went off and the driver drove away, Shin started walking deeper in the forest, Shiro followed him, he was walking fast so she had to run to catch up "Shin, were are we going?"

"...." he didn't answer and kept walking to deeper in the forest, Shiro remained to follow him, he doesn't even glance at her

Soon he stopped "Shin?" Shiro looked at him "why are we here?"

"This is far enough.." Shin said

"Eh?" Shiro asked

"Shiro, you must be tired, drink this" Shin grabbed a bottle from his pocket

"Eh? Oh.. thank you?" Shiro took the bottle, before drinking it, she took a look at it and it seems suspisuos she smelled it, it was no doubt, it was a drug to make you sleep, why would Shin make her drink this? She has no idea, why deep in the forest? She has no clue as well, but what she does know is that, this is Shin, he won't do anything to harm her intentionally, and if he did, he was sure to have a reasonable explanation

"Shiro..." she was snapped out of her thoughts by Shin, she looked at him and saw his smile "what's wrong?"

Shiro shook her head and drank it, she trusted him that he won't do anything bad to her, she slowly starts to close her eyes, her vision blurry, her body swayed, she fell on the ground, before she fully slept, she glanced at Shin and spoke "Shin..."

"Shiro....sorry" that was the last thing she heard and after that she collapsed


Shiro: Yui's Step-sisterWhere stories live. Discover now