Yuma ending

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"Yes. I choose.....Yuma!"

"Ha!" He chuckled and walked to her a bit flustered "I knew it!"

(Time skip 2 years later)

"My what a wonderful child" Karl said as he carried Yuma and Shiro's child

Shiro went out to buy food the Yuma came up to Karl "Father.... It was tough when she was pregnant"

"Oh? Do tell me, I'm curiuos" Karl sais


"Bunny! I brought you sushi!" Yuma walked in bringing a box of sushi

Shiro was in her 8 month of pregnancy, she's developing a temper and very quick and random mood changes

"Thanks, eat it" She said suddenly serious

"Eh but you asked me to buy it for you, why make me eat it?" He asked

"Cause I'm not allowed to eat it, and I so you eat it" She said in an all serious smile

Yuma sweatdropped and ate it, Shiro observed him as he ate, every single bite, the way he dips the sushi, the way he swallows

Yuma sweatdropped even more "Bunny... stop staring"

"Eh? Why?" She started to tear up "I'm your wife... and you refuse?"

"N-n-no it's just a little awkward" he scratched the back of his neck

Then she turned a bit jolly "Really? Then you just need to finish it fast!"

"But so many-"

"STOP COMPLAINING! DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW BAD MY BACK HURTS!? AND THAT I GET CRAMPS! I HAVE TO EAT A MEAL FOR TWO PEOPLE! I CAN'T BEND DOWN! I CAN'T LIE DOWN ON MY STOMACH! I HAVE RESTRICTIONS FOR FOOD! AND IN A MONTH OR TWO.....I'M GOING ON LABOR! DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH PAIN THAT BRINGS!" She shouted at Yuma then started crying "I'm sorry... it's just that... I want you to eat those... I've been craving it yet you refuse to eat it... I'm just asking you to eat not go on a magical adventure... yet you complain"

Yuma sweatdropped and at this point, he didn't know what to do anymore, should he eat it? Or comfort her?

Comforting her seems more logical, so he went up to her and patted her back "Hey it's fine, I'll eat it okay?"

She suddenly stopled crying "Go eat now"

Yuma's thoughts 'At least one more month... I can do this... I can do this..'

(Flashback end)

"So want another child?" Karl asked Yuma

"I... don't think so.." Yuma said

Shiro: Yui's Step-sisterWhere stories live. Discover now